
Booking Surgery are ca scop să ofere cea mai bună experiență pentru fiecare procedură, pe care o oferă și face acest lucru colaborând doar cu profesioniști medicali renumiți și cu facilități medicale de ultimă generație.


Experimentat, grijuliu, de încredere

Pacienții pot fi liniștiți, știind că aceste idealuri definesc fiecare medic, care lucrează cu Booking Surgery.


Medical Facilities

One of the largest research hospitals in Istanbul.

Fully equipped hospital near Istanbul

Flagship hospital of Booking Surgery


Întrebări Frecvente

Cum rezervez o intervenție chirurgicală?

Pur și simplu completați formularul „Obțineți o ofertă gratuită” și un coordonator de pacienți Vă va ajuta cu procesul.

Trebuie să aranjez transportul?

Fiecare intervenție chirurgicală cu Booking Surgery include transport gratuit la și de la aeroport. Coordonatorul Dumneavoastră de pacienți Vă va aranja transportul. Echipa noastră de transport vă va întâmpina la aeroport când ajungeți și vă va conduce la unitatea medicală la care veți fi cazat. Programul de tratament care va fi dat de coordonatorul dumneavoastră de pacienți va avea mai multe detalii.

Îmi pot rezerva biletele de avion prin Booking Surgery?

De sigur! Bookings Surgery oferă pachete de intervenții chirurgicale cu sau fără bilete de avion, coordonatorul pacientului vă va ajuta să vă rezervați biletele de avion.

Cum va fi sejurul?

Booking Surgery oferă o ședere completă în spital pentru a se asigura că pacientul primește cea mai bună îngrijire medicală. Un coordonator de spitalizare și un traducător vor fi întotdeauna accesibile pe tot parcursul șederii Dumneavoastră.

Am dreptul să aduc un însoțitor?

Fiecare pacient are dreptul să aducă un însoțitor gratuit, iar atât mesele pacientului, cât și cele ale însoțitorului acestuia sunt complementare.

Pot cumpăra medicamente de la spital?

În pachetele noastre sunt incluse medicamentele la domiciliu, în plus vitaminele și shake-urile speciale de proteine bariatrice sunt disponibile pacienților la un preț redus.

Beauty & Health


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Booking Surgery
Latissa Smith reviewed My experience with Booking Surgery was… fantastic

My experience with Booking Surgery was just amazing! My coordinator Penny was very helpful throughout the whole experience and has continued communication post op answering any questions or concerns if have. The hospital was extremely clean and all staff very kind and helpful. The translators and the nurses at the hospital were amazing, always there to help and very caring! Dr Kagan Katar was just fantastic! he answered any questions that i had and made me feel very at ease. I felt very looked after through the whole experience including pre and post surgery.

Bella reviewed Excellent experience

Fantastic experience with booking surgery. Well looked after at the hospital. Excellent communication and experience, highly recommended.

F MCGREGOR reviewed Amazing experience of converting from a…

Amazing experience of converting from a band to a sleeve. Professional and friendly service throughout my stay in Istanbul. Surgeon Ali Tardur was brilliant as were the nurses, interpreters and cleaners. Well done!

Gary Rae reviewed Should have done this last year

From start to finish with BOOKING SURGERY the experience has been one I will never forget. From the coordinator David Turker to the transfer driver and staff at the hospital I cannot find fault with them at all. My surgeon Kagan Katar was so professional it is unbelievable these guys go so far out their way to make you feel comfortable and at home with in these amazing facilities Yasam Hospital in Istanbul. I spoke myself out it last year but made myself come this year and I am totally amazed by the overwhelming hospitality I have received and the care team are the most important team going. They look after you before and once you come out your surgery which I may add is only about 2 hours. So anyone thinking seriously about this I would recommend these guys 150% can ask for any more from them made me feel so so welcome.

Emma Taylor reviewed 5* Gastric Sleeve

Travelled to Istanbul, Turkey, for Gastric Sleeve surgery with Their service from start at initial booking right the way through to discharge has been second to none. The hospital is clean, the staff are amazing and supportive. I highly recommend this company if considering surgery abroad xx

Customer reviewed I would highly recommend

I would highly recommend. Staff was great Always checking if you need anything and if you are okay. Super friendly and makes you feel comfortable. Dr Ali Tardu was amazing I really can’t fault anything

Katherine reviewed Excellent care

Excellent care . Excellent coordinator, Excellent surgeon, couldn’t find any faults at all

Debbie Fitzpatrick reviewed Booking Surgery experience

Good company to deal with I was given my own coordinator Rossie who dealt with all my questions quickly and efficiently, thank you, Rossie. From initial booking of surgery to return home everything ran smoothly. The hospital was nice and staff were friendly a big shout out to Mary one of the kindest compassionate nurses i have ever met you are a credit to your profession. There are interpretors on call 24/7 who are always willing to help. My one criticism us the hospital food which is aweful but sure this is out of tge companies control. However the interpretors Naz, Morgan, Lily, Nadia always willing to help and happy to go to the mall next door to pick up food for you if desired thank you guys, plus the little kitchen provided tea, coffee, protein shakes etc so you could rustle up tea and toast if needed. My surgeon was Dr Soner and he is the most wonderful humble person he certainly is incredably talented. I would use this company again and would recommend to friends and family.