
2000 - 2005, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in Istanbul, Turkey

 Plastic Surgeon Residency

1993 - 1996, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine in Antalya, Turkey

GP Training    

Work History:

2021 - currently, Private Practice in Istanbul, Turkey

 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

2017 - 2019, Çorlu Vatan Hospital in Tekirdag, Turkey

 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

2015 - 2017, Irmet International Hospital in Tekirdag, Turkey

 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

2014 - 2015, Muş State Hospital in Mus, Turkey 

 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

2008 - 2013, Osmangazi University Plastic Surgery Clinic in Eskisehir, Turkey

 Resident Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon



  • Assessment of the Relationship Between Clinicophysiologic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of the Temporomandibular Disorder Patients. J Craniofac Surg. 2016 Nov;27(8):1946-1950. Basat SO, Surmeli M, Demirel O, Ceran F, Saydam FA, Basaran K.
  • Optimal treatment of zygomatic fractures: a single-center study results. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2016;26(1):42-50. doi: 10.5606/kbbihtisas.2016.36775. Başaran K, Saydam FA, Pilancı Ö, Sağır M, Güven E.
  • Evident Proptosis and Diplopia Due to Massive Orbital Ivory Osteoma. Basat SO, Ceran F, Saydam FA, Uscetin I, Kuvat SV. J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Oct;26(7):2237-8
  • The Use of Dermabrasion to Achieve Natural-Looking Areolas Following Breast Reduction or Mastopexy: A Study of 23 Patients. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2015 Aug;39(4):534-9
  • Basaran K, Basat SO, Mercan ES, Saydam FA, Aygit AC
  • A New Paradigm for Surgical Management of Congenital Triple Lobe Type Cleft. J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Jun;26(4):e319-20Basat SO, Ceran F, Orman C, Saydam FA
  • Five-Years Trigger Finger Due to Partial Flexor Tendon Laceration in a Child. J Hand Microsurg. 2015 Jun;7(1):228-9Ceran F, Basat SO, Basaran K, Saydam FA.
  • Burns due to air freshener aerosol can explosion: a preventable accident. Burns. 2015 May;41(3):641-2. Basat SO, Ceran F, Saydam FA, Bozkurt M.
  • An Easy Spreader Graft Fixation Technique by Using a Modified Speculum in Rhinoplasty.Basaran K, Basat SO, Aköz Saydam F.J Craniofac Surg. 2015Jun;26(4):e366.
  • Closure of a large bronchopleural fistula by omentoplasty and free myocutaneous latissimus dorsi muscle flap H Akin, FA Saydam, A Bitir, IK Basaran Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery September 2015, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 257–259
  • Foot ischemia after a free fibula flap harvest: immediate salvage with an interpositional sapheneous vein graftJ Craniofac Surg. 2014 Sep;25(5):1784-6.Saydam FA, Basaran K, Ceran F, Mert B.
  • The free-nipple breast-reduction technique performed with transfer of the nipple-areola complex over the superior or superomedial pedicles.Basaran K, Saydam FA, Ersin I, Yazar M, Aygit ACAesthetic Plast Surg. 2014 Aug;38(4):718-26
  • Is there a profit to use the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve as a graft source in digital nerve reconstruction?Pilanci O, Ozel A, Basaran K, Celikdelen A, Berkoz O, Saydam FA, Kuvat SVMicrosurgery. 2014 Jul;34(5):367-71
  • Management of soft tissue extremity degloving injuries with full-thickness grafts obtained from the avulsed flap.Pilancı O, Aköz Saydam F, Başaran K, Datlı A, Güven E Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2013 Nov;19(6):516-20.
  • Large hydatid cyst of the maxillozygomatic region.Saydam FA, Basaran K, Pilanci O, Ersin IJ Craniofac Surg. 2013 May;24(3):e233-5
  • Hypertrophic scar as an areola graft in nipple-areola reconstructionK Basaran, F Ceran, FA Saydam, M Sagir European Journal of Plastic Surgery 38(3) · December 2014
  • Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the upper extremity in two pediatric patientsFA Saydam, K Basaran, O Pilanci, A Ozel - Hand Microsurg, 2013;2(1):35-38
  • Neutrophil-Elastase Inhibitor- Sivelestat Assists in Reducing Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in a Muscle Flap Model: An Experimental Study, Zeynep Kamuran Sevim, Memet Yazar, Aköz Funda Saydam, Volkan Medeni Kıyak, Aysin Yeşilada Karasoy, Sami Samin, Şenay Yener, Dilgem Memmedov, Başak Erginel, Fatih A. Aydın World Journal of Surgical Research 2013, 2:10
  • Head and neck reconstruction with dorsoradial forearm free flap: a preliminary clinical study. B ENT. 2009;5(4):259-63 Kuvat SV1, Karakullukçu B, Hafiz G, Arinci A, Pilanci O, Aköz F.
  • Subcutaneous injection of insecticide for attempted suicide: a report of two cases]. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(4):295-7 Aydin A1, Aköz F, Erer M
  • Fat grafting review and fate of the subperiostal fat graftEuropean Journal of Plastic Surgery 26(4):169-174 · July 2003 Önel D.,U. Emekli., ÇizmeciO., Bilgiç B. ,Aköz F.

Papers presented:

  • The effect of preexisting comorbidities on wound healing and length of hospitalization in acute burn injury F.A. Saydam,A. Datlı,SO Basat, K. Basaran, O.pilancı,O.Demirel,M. Bozkurt 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • Advantages and clinical outcomes of autologous fat lipofilling as treatment modality of hypertrophic burn scars A Özel ,O Demirel,S.O. Basat, K. Basaran,F.A. Saydam, Ö. Pilancı, M. Bozkurt,A. Datlı,B. Çin 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • Should we go beyond the standardized treatment of chemical burns? SO Basat, A. Datlı,,M. Kurt,F.A. Saydam, K.Basaran,O. Pilancı, M. Bozkurt16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • Problem of age folk remedy S.O.Basat,F. Ceran, K. Basaran, A. Datlı, F.A .Saydam,G. Filinte, M. Bozkurt 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • The modified POSAS observer scale F.Ceran, S.O. Basat, G. Filinte, K. Basaran, F.A. Saydam, B .Çin, M. Bozkurt16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • A modified abdominal flap design for wound coverage in multiple digital burn injury İ. Ersin, A. Datlı, K. Basaran,O. Demirel,F.A. Saydam 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • A modified abdominal flap design for wound coverage in multiple digital burn injury İ. Ersin, A. Datlı,K. Basaran,O. Demirel,F.A. Saydam16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • İs alice wonderland? A new cause for bonsai S.O. Basat, F. Ceran, B. Çin, F.A.Saydam, M Bozkurt 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • Lipo injection via v shaped 3 mm suction cannula for the treatment of burn scars B.Çin, F.Ceran, S.O.Basat, M.Bozkurt, F.A. Saydam,K.Başaran 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • A Preventable accident due to air freshener aerosol can explosion S.O. Basat, F .Ceran, F.A. Saydam, M. Bozkurt 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns
  • The effect of pregnancy on burn Scars A.Datlı, A. Özel ,F.A. Saydam,S.O. Basat, K.Başaran,Ö. Pilancı, M .Bozkurt 16. Association Congress 16-19 september 2015 European Burns Basat Salıh Onur,Demırel Oguzhan aköz Saydam Funda,Basaran Karaca
  • Temporomandıbular Disorders: Anamnestic and clinical evaluation wıth MRI assessments. 9.Bapras congress 2015 Kurt Muzaffer,Özel Asuman,Basat Salıh Onur,Basaran İbrahım Karaca,Aköz Saydam Funda .
  • Polydactyly revıew. Bapras congress 2015 Özel Asuman,Datlı Aslı,Aköz Saydam Funda,Basat Salıh Onur,Basaran Karaca,Pılancı Özgür.
  • One-step breast reconstructıon in a patient with amastia and ectodermal dysplasia. 9.Bapras Congress 2015 Özel Asuman, Kurt Muzaffer,Basat Salıh Onur,Aköz Saydam Funda,Basaran Karaca, Pılancı Özgür.
  • Congenital muscular torticollis wıthout muscle dysfunctıon: as a fırst step treatment?. 9. Bapras congress 2015 Demırel Oguzhan,Basat Salıh Onur ,Aköz Saydam Funda, Basaran Karaca, Pılancı Özgür.
  • Can you overcome hundreds of pellets: a case report of hand ınjury by an airgun. 9. Bapras congress 2015 Basat Salıh Onur,Demırel Oguzhan,Aköz Saydam Funda,Basaran Karaca,Öner Çagatay.
  • Fingertip monster: snap fastener press machine. 9. Bapras congress 2015 Özel Asuman, Datlı Aslı, Basat Salıh Onur, Ersın İdrıs,Ceran Fatıh,Aköz saydam Funda, Basaran Karaca.

Book Publications:

  • Gigantic Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: Can the Heat-Stress Protein-70 be Responsible for the Immunopathogenesis?: A Case Report Taş Betül, FA Saydam, M Sağır, Turkiye Klinikleri J Dermatol 2013;23(3):96-100
Booking Surgery