Trasplante de córnea

Qué es el trasplante de córnea?

El trasplante de córnea, también conocido como queratoplastia, injerto corneal o trasplante ocular, consiste en la extirpación de tejido corneal deformado o que ha perdido su transparencia, y su sustitución por tejido corneal sano tomado de un donante fallecido. El trasplante de córnea es la cirugía de trasplante más realizada y con más éxito, con más de 40.000 intervenciones al año.


Por qué se realiza un trasplante de córnea?

El trasplante de córnea se realiza para tratar las siguientes afecciones:

  • Un aumento de la opacidad de la córnea debido a que las células de la córnea están dañadas.
  • Queratocono, que es la afección en la que la córnea adopta una forma cónica, impidiendo la visión.
  • Enfermedades hereditarias de la córnea.
  • Tejido cicatricial o neovascularización que se producen como consecuencia de infecciones corneales, por ejemplo el virus del herpes simple, VHS.
  • Formación de manchas en la córnea tras una lesión.


En estos casos o cuando una córnea trasplantada es rechazada por el organismo, se recomienda una transferencia de córnea.


Cuáles son las condiciones para el trasplante de córnea?

Para beneficiarse plenamente de un trasplante de córnea, la estructura del ojo del paciente debe estar sana, aparte de la córnea. Si hay algún daño en la retina del paciente, el trasplante de córnea no aportará ningún beneficio. En concreto, un oftalmólogo determinará si un paciente se beneficiará de un trasplante de córnea tras realizarle una ecografía oftalmológica.


Turquía tiene dos "bancos de ojos" principales, uno en Estambul y otro en Ankara. Los bancos de ojos se encargan de almacenar las córneas donadas, determinar si el tejido es apto para el trasplante y entregarlo a los centros donde se realizará el trasplante de córnea. Las córneas se toman de donantes de órganos recientemente fallecidos que tienen tejidos de córnea sanos. Se comprueba que las córneas estén sanas y no transmitan ninguna enfermedad. La córnea es un tejido no vascular, por lo que no se requiere compatibilidad con el grupo sanguíneo.


Qué hay que tener en cuenta antes del trasplante de córnea?

Antes de la intervención, el paciente se somete a un examen oftalmológico completo para garantizar que el procedimiento será seguro y eficaz. Se pide al paciente que se mida el ojo antes de llegar a Turquía para encontrar una córnea donante de tamaño similar. Además, es posible que el paciente deba dejar de tomar ciertos medicamentos, por lo que el oftalmólogo que le atiende revisa su historial médico. El paciente debe llegar a Turquía un día antes de la intervención.


Cómo se realiza el trasplante de córnea?

Antes de comenzar la intervención se administra anestesia general o, normalmente, local. Se aplica anestesia local en los ojos y las zonas circundantes. A continuación se limpian a fondo los párpados para minimizar el riesgo de infección. Se coloca un pequeño instrumento entre los párpados para mantenerlos abiertos durante la intervención. El cirujano determina el diámetro de la córnea que se utilizará para el trasplante corneal y retira cuidadosamente las partes dañadas de la córnea a través de una incisión realizada con un instrumento especial.Si está previsto realizar simultáneamente una cirugía de cataratas, en este momento se retira la catarata y se coloca una lente intraocular en lugar del cristalino. A continuación, se coloca la córnea donante transparente en el lecho receptor y se sutura con métodos microquirúrgicos. Al final de la operación, se aplica al ojo una pomada antibiótica y se cierra el ojo con una cubierta protectora.


La intervención dura entre 30 minutos y una hora y se realiza ojo por ojo.


Qué hay que tener en cuenta tras el trasplante de córnea?

Después de la cirugía, se recomienda a los pacientes lo siguiente:

  • Los pacientes deben utilizar sus medicamentos recetados según las instrucciones de su oftalmólogo.
  • Los pacientes no deben ejercer presión física sobre los ojos ni frotárselos.
  • Los pacientes deben lavarse el pelo con la cabeza inclinada, de forma similar a como se hace en una peluquería, para que no les entre agua ni jabón en los ojos.
  • Los pacientes deben llevar gafas de sol cuando estén al aire libre.
  • Los pacientes deben evitar ejercicios extenuantes como nadar, levantar peso o montar en bicicleta.


El oftalmólogo que le atienda decidirá cuándo se retirarán los puntos tras la intervención. Normalmente, los puntos se retiran unos meses después de la intervención.


Cuáles son los riesgos del trasplante de córnea?

El trasplante de córnea tiene una tasa media de rechazo del 5%, esta baja tasa se debe a que la córnea no suele tener vasos sanguíneos y la falta de circulación sanguínea hace menos probable una respuesta del sistema inmunitario. Los riesgos del trasplante de córnea son, entre otros, los siguientes:

  • Infección
  • Hemorragia
  • Exceso de presión ocular, glaucoma
  • Separación de las capas internas del ojo, desprendimiento de retina
  • Rechazo de la córnea recién trasplantada


Un trasplante de córnea puede repetirse si es necesario sin inconvenientes significativos. La irregularidad corneal postoperatoria puede ralentizar la recuperación de la visión. Sin embargo, la visión mejorará gradualmente en el plazo de un año tras la intervención.

Booking Surgery
dark angel76 reviewed I change my life, so many thanks 🥰

So first of all I would like to say that I am so happy to have found my surgeon Dr Emin again (I already had a 360 tummy tuck and arm lift 2 years ago) this time I had breast uplift and pubic mound liposuction with Dr Emin and mega results as always. I realy trust dr emin with my life. then to my coordinator Pierre was great, answered all questions straight away and was very courteous and helpful. Everything went great. If I need another operation I will choose Optimed. In any case, we have to make sure that the entire team is great at Optimed. oh yes and the staffEveryone was competent during preliminary examinations. so thanks to everyone qo work there. And of course the lovely ladies who bring food and the cleaning staff are also very nice and do their jobs well. The nurses are also very competent and loving and immediately available when you need them needed. then to the hospital, I can only recommend Optimed is a top hospital. if you need to see my results 🥰 picture or information contact me on insta patricia_1976 i would be happy to sare my experience 🥰 im so happy now it change my life so thank you so mutch 🥰

Keassa Meyvis reviewed It was an amazing experience

It was an amazing experience ! I honestly recommend ! Coming from France I was so worried about going abroad for bariatric surgery ! From my arrival to my departure from turkey the experience was amazing ! The hospital was clean ! Staff amazing ! They would answer all my questions and needs . I felt cared for and heard the whole time .They really care about their patients ! My coordinator Pierre was also amazing answering to all of my questions ! I’m definitely going back

Tal reviewed Neck lift Dr Emre

Disclaimer: Only just had this done, so it may need to be updated once I have healed fully. Nurses; they were one of the best parts about my stay. All the nurses (especially female) were amazing. I had 1 nurse (blonde, maybe head nurse, night shift) she was so great and really looked after me and spoke good enough English. They checked on me almost every 3 hours, gave me so many IVs and made sure I was really ok. Clean: I didn’t notice anything being unclean or unkept. It was all clean to a good standard- better than the uk. Surgeon: I had two consultations with him. He spoke good enough English also. He did an amazing job. My scars aren’t even visible really and I have just had it done. My jawline is snatched and so well defined. He did set expectations around my surgery so I’m going to wait to see the full result. I only wished he would’ve been there when I woke up to explain what happened during surgery. Results : it’s been 5 days, but my jawline is so very defined and the skin is completely gone. So happy right now with it but i know it will drop Things that could’ve been better: probs just the surgeon explaining what happened to me in surgery lol and i think the medical sheets (advice post op) it’s confusing and contradicting- etc one page said take brown tape off in a week the other page said 3 weeks. One page said wear head compress for a month one said 3 months- it needs to be rewritten. Other than that, no complaints. for the price, surgery and experience I’d go with them, they really did take care of everything for me.

Gema Somacarrera reviewed Incredible Company

I would like to write a very sincere review about Booking After being botched 2 years ago by another company in Izmir I couldn't take any chances of this happening again. I had a extended tummy tuck and breast uplift 2 years ago but unfortunatelly i had serious complications due to malpractice. I was leff in a hotel the day after surgery with little or no care at all. After doing a lot of research I came across Booking Surgery. The first thing that attracted me was that they offer full hospital stay. I was recomended to contact David Tucker and within a few hours of me contacting him he got in touch. David listened to my story and everything I went through previously, he was very compasionate and promised Booking Surgery will do their best to find me the best surgeon to perform the corrective surgery I need it. After several communications and assestments I chose Dr Emin based in excellent results, references and meeting him personally as I travelled to meet him before making my final decision. I travel to Turkey on the 5th January 2025 and as soon as I arrived at the hospital I was greeted my Jake, their translator and taken to my hospital room. I had all my pre-op test straight away plus, scan, ultra sounds and mamograms to look for any internal damage from previous surgery. The next morning Dr Emin came with his team for the assesment and markings ready for surgery. I knew it was going to be a very complicated surgery and didn't have high expectations at all. I put my trust in Dr Emin and hoped for the best. When I woke up after 10 hours in surgery I was told by Dr Emin that it was a very sucessful outcome and that he was extremely happy with the results. Even though I was unable to see anything I was already so happy. I was able to see the results the next day, I couldn't believe the incredible work Dr Emin had done, just over the mon. I will never be able to thank such an amazing surgeon enough for the incredible work he performed on me. My stay at the hospital was outstanding, Dr Emin came to see me and check my wounds every day, the head nurse Secil was so efficient and made sure I was well look after, she will check on me all the time. All the staff from cleaners, translators, nurses were outstanding. The love, care and attention I have recieved from everyone at Booking Surgery has been incredible. I am now back home and it has been 10 days since my operation. I feel amazing and I have just seen my whole body, i could cry. Perfection and i am so tinny and the shape is incredible. I am so in love with the work in my breast after losing my niple and tissue on my right breast 2 years ago. Dr Emin managed to reconstruct my breast and now matches the other breast. I don't know how to express so much gratitude. Dr Emin is GOD, he will never know how much he has already improve my mental health and how much my life and confidence will change. Please do not hesitate to book with this amazing company, they work with high end surgeons, not ordinary ones. David Turker my cordinator made a big part to make this a success so please do not hesitate to contact him for your initial assesment. Can't wait to fully recover and return for my thighs lift. Thank you with all my heart Booking Surgery and everyone involved ♥️

Stuart Jamieson reviewed Gastric sleave

The whole experience was very good when I arrived i started to panic but the staff settled me down. Rooms were very very good compared to what the nhs offer as well as tv with netflix.

Emily reviewed Experience was great

Experience was great. Whenever I asked for anything like pain killers, anti sickness etc I received it within minutes. All the staff were lovely and couldn’t do anything more to help me. Bruce was my co-ordinator he went above and beyond to settle my mind and my family’s mind with us being in 2 different countries. Thank you.

Kayley leask reviewed After I was so worried about travelling…

After I was so worried about travelling abroad for my bypass surgery I haven’t regretted it once, I wish I had done it sooner, the hospital was clean staff were amazing my husband was really happy with all his meals and felt at ease with my care. Thank you so much I will be back again

Chanrods reviewed Dr Emin

Dr Emin did an FDL +breast uplift and implants, arm lift + bra back lift line,thigh lift + lipo suction. I was 3 times u der his professional care. He's really a good surgeon who did an amazing job after I lost 85kg of weight.