Cirugía ocular LASIK

Qué es la cirugía ocular LASIK?

 La cirugía ocular con queratomileusis in situ asistida por láser (LASIK), también conocida como cirugía de corrección ocular con láser o simplemente cirugía láser, tiene como objetivo corregir los trastornos visuales mediante un láser no invasivo. Los defectos visuales como la hipermetropía, la miopía y el astigmatismo, así como los halos y la sensibilidad a la luz, se corrigen mediante el método láser sin bisturí.


Por qué se realiza la cirugía ocular LASIK?

 La cirugía de corrección ocular con láser se realiza para aliviar defectos refractivos como la hipermetropía, la miopía, la presbicia y el astigmatismo. Ciertos tipos de LASIK reducen los halos, los deslumbramientos y mejoran la visión nocturna.


Cuáles son las condiciones para la cirugía ocular LASIK?

 La cirugía LASIK suele recomendarse a los siguientes pacientes:

  • Los pacientes que tienen entre 25 y 40 años, los errores refractivos deben estabilizarse a esta edad.
  • Los pacientes que tienen un espesor corneal suficiente, ya que la córnea debe ser capaz de mantener su forma después del LASIK.
  • Los pacientes que tienen una córnea curvada de forma óptima, si la córnea es demasiado curvada o demasiado plana LASIK podría no ser un tratamiento viable.
  • Los pacientes que no tienen exceso de presión ocular ni afilamiento corneal.
  • Los pacientes que no tengan ninguna otra enfermedad que afecte al ojo, como diabetes o reumatismo.
  • Los pacientes que pueden someterse sin peligro a anestesia local.


Cuáles son los tipos de cirugía ocular LASIK?

Existen 3 tipos de cirugía LASIK que se realizan habitualmente y que se recomiendan según los defectos visuales y el grosor de la córnea, estos son PRK, iLASIK y Wavefront.



PRK, queratectomía fotorrefractiva, es un procedimiento quirúrgico que utiliza un láser preciso para eliminar el tejido corneal con el fin de corregir los defectos refractivos. La PRK suele preferirse a otros tratamientos cuando el grosor de la córnea no es adecuado para otros tratamientos LASIK. Tras la PRK, se coloca a los pacientes una lente de contacto protectora que deben llevar durante al menos 5 días.



El iLASIK es el tratamiento LASIK preferido con más frecuencia y el que tiene más probabilidades de producir una visión 20/20. El iLASIK está aprobado por la FDA y tiene una tasa de éxito tan alta que la NASA aprueba que los astronautas se sometan al iLASIK, mientras que otros tratamientos LASIK descalifican a las personas para ser astronauta. El iLASIK se personaliza para cada paciente guiándose por un mapeo de la topografía del ojo, similar al Wavefront.



Se utiliza un programa informático para crear una cartografía detallada de la córnea y la cirugía se guía a través de la cartografía. Wavefront suele utilizarse para corregir irregularidades no refractivas importantes, como hipersensibilidad a la luz, deslumbramientos, halos o disminución de la sensibilidad al contraste. A menudo se prefiere el frente de onda cuando el paciente padece un astigmatismo grave.


Qué hay que tener en cuenta antes de la cirugía ocular LASIK?

Los pacientes deben llegar a Turquía un día antes de la fecha programada para la intervención, a fin de someterse a pruebas preoperatorias exhaustivas y tener una consulta con el oftalmólogo responsable. El oftalmólogo determinará qué intervención se va a realizar y explicará al paciente los detalles de la misma.


Qué hay que tener en cuenta después de la cirugía ocular LASIK?

Aunque el LASIK es un procedimiento ambulatorio, se ofrece al paciente una noche de hospitalización tras la cirugía LASIK. Es habitual que el paciente experimente visión borrosa y dolor ocular durante las primeras horas tras la intervención. Se aconseja al paciente lo siguiente:

  • Tomar la medicación postoperatoria que le indique su oftalmólogo.
  • Tomar analgésicos si es necesario siempre que no sean anticoagulantes.
  • Ni conducir ni ir a trabajar durante los siguientes días tras la cirugía.
  • Se recomienda al paciente no conducir ni ir a trabajar durante los 3 ó 4 días siguientes.
  • Evitar estar en ambientes polvorientos, ya que el ojo tratado no debe frotarse, rascarse, tocarse, lavarse ni bañarse durante las primeras 24 horas tras la cirugía.
  • Evitar igualmente que entre jabón o champú en los ojos.
  • Utilizar un colirio de lágrimas artificiales prescrito por el médico durante aproximadamente 3 a 6 meses después de la operación.


Cuáles son los riesgos de la cirugía ocular LASIK?

Los riesgos de la cirugía ocular LASIK incluyen, entre otros, los siguientes:

  • Experimentar ojos llorosos y molestias.
  • Ojos secos o ardor, irritación, picor y sensación de cuerpo extraño en el ojo.
  • Visión doble.
  • Dolor o escozor en los ojos durante los 2 ó 3 primeros días tras la intervención.
  • Visión borrosa.


Los pacientes sometidos a cirugía ocular LASIK empezarán a ver con claridad en 2 ó 3 días y podrán reincorporarse a su vida cotidiana.

Booking Surgery
Laoise Breslin reviewed Surgery

I have recently returned from having surgery in turkey which I booked through booking surgery. The process from start to finish has been phenomenal and still on going as my coordinator is still happy to help with any questions I have post op. My co ordinator was Robert Campell, he’s truly been fantastic, at the beginning he was great at responding to my worries and always making me feel at ease, and even now post op with anything I need, I never have to wait long for a response from him. Truly lovely person. I have to say all the coordinators are brilliant and happy to help with questions. Booking surgery as a whole has been brilliant, the social media groups, the support etc, they have everything from transfers, which is brilliant as they help so much with the airport when returning back home, the translators in the hospitals, they were fantastic, nothing was ever too much. What I really love about booking surgery is that you can take a companion with you who can share your room with you. This is an absolute game changer from other companies and I truly hope this remains in place. When booking loads of info is given re the surgeons and the hospitals. I was so happy with my surgeon and hospital, surgeon was fantastic, professional and respectful, the hospital was so modern, hotel like. I highly highly recommend booking surgery and I will definitely be using them in the not so distance future again. Thank you for everything

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Booking Surgery takes out the stress of doing everything for you. Amazing people 100% trust worthy

Carlos Costa reviewed Amazing job from Nora! - Booking Surgery

Booking Surgery exceeded all my expectations! I recently had veneers done by Nora, and the results are simply incredible. Not only did Nora do an amazing job, but she also provided exceptional care throughout the entire process. From the moment I arrived, the team at Booking Surgery made me feel welcome and comfortable. They even arranged for my transportation from the airport and provided accommodation in a nearby hotel, which made my experience hassle-free. The reception staff were friendly and efficient, ensuring I had everything I needed during my stay. Overall, I couldn't be happier with my experience at Booking Surgery. If you're considering any dental procedures, I highly recommend Nora and the team here!

Laura reviewed Medistanbul Hospital

I have just had surgery at Medistanbul with Dr Yalcin. I had 360fdl and breast uplift. The experience from start to finish has been outstanding. Interpretators Lily, Morgan, Naz and Frank where quick to solve any issues that I came across and were super friendly. I personally never had any issues with the food at the hospital. I just never had much of an appetite after surgery but gave things a try. All in all a wonderful experience to be had and I would definitely recommend ☺️

Keely reviewed Had the best experience

Had the best experience! from the co-ordinator, drivers, translators, nurses and doctors everyone was friendly, easy to understand. Dr Katar done an amazing job! i got everything i needed and more. Thankyou!

Rose Curley reviewed First of all a big thank you to Bruce…

First of all a big thank you to Bruce Who arranged everything from start to finish. I arrived at the airport where I was greeted by Denis who’s a lovely friendly driver who gave us water and signed us into WiFi. From the moment we arrived at yasam hospital the care was great. My partner and I were shown to our room which had enough room for us both and a hospital bed for my partner. The room was very clean and we had our own walk in shower room with toilet. I met the translator who spoke good English and between him and the staff it ran smoothly and.i had all my test done there and then. On the day of my op I was greeted nicely by Dr Nebil who is amazing by the way with the translater and made sure I understood everything that he suggested which was great very pleased with my result. After the op I was brought back up the care of the nurses r great and I wouldn’t change any of them. They got me up walking as soon as they could and there were very attentive to me . They check on you all of the time and were quick to jump on if something went wrong. Dr Nebil phoned on a Sunday checking that everything is ok that’s great commitment to his patients. I would definitely book with him again if I had any more work to be done . When it was time to leave they arranged wheelchair assistance for me and everything went well . My first experience was excellent and if I had to come back I would have my boobs doing only with dr nebil. Thanks to everyone and I mean everyone thank you so much for looking after me whilst I was in your care . Much love Rosaleen xx

D reviewed Great surgery booking team!

We booked my husbands rhinoplasty surgery with and could not be happier with the service. The team picked us up from the airport took us to the hospital hotel and had someone from the team 24/7. The team was super attentive and reassuring. Made sure all our needs and wishes were met. They are super friendly and kind I would definitely recommend them to all my friends and family. Thank you to all the team and hospital staff at Ozel Tekirdag Yasam Hastanesi for all your hardwork and help.

Charlotte reviewed Gastric sleeve

Went for a gastric sleeve last week, the care I got was amazing, nothing was ever to much, interpreters were amazing, the nurses would come in and check on you ask if you need anything if you needed pain relief or wanted to ask something they would come straight away, the room was so big, cleaners came in every morning was very clean, surgeon came to check on you after surgery, my coordinator Bruce was amazing if I had any questions he was happy to help, responded very quickly, would definitely recommend booking surgery.