Variantes del lifting de abdomen

¿Qué es la cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen?

La cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen, formalmente llamada Abdominoplastia, es una Cirugía Estética Corporal que tiene como objetivo hacer el abdomen más delgado y firme a través de la eliminación del exceso de piel y grasa de la parte media y baja del abdomen. La cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen también tensa el músculo y la fascia de la pared abdominal.


¿Por qué se realiza el lifting abdominal?

El exceso de piel flácida en el abdomen puede deberse al envejecimiento, a la pérdida excesiva de peso y al parto. La cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen es la mejor opción para eliminar la piel flácida del abdomen, y el tipo óptimo de cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen es recomendado por el Cirujano Plástico tratante.


¿Cuáles son las condiciones para el Lifting de Abdomen?

La cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen es una de las cirugías plásticas más comunes y tiene algunas condiciones que deben cumplirse.

  • El paciente debe ser apto para someterse a anestesia general.
  • El paciente debe tener un exceso de flacidez cutánea y de tejido graso en el tejido abdominal, especialmente bajo el vientre. Los individuos con músculos abdominales flácidos, grietas en la piel bajo el vientre, tejido graso abdominal flácido a pesar de la pérdida de peso son candidatos elegibles.
  • El Índice de Masa Corporal, IMC, del paciente debe ser inferior a 30.


¿Cuáles son los tipos de cirugía de lifting abdominal?

Existen diferentes cirugías de Lifting de Abdomen, cada una de las cuales cubre una zona diferente del cuerpo. El cirujano debe aconsejar la cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen adecuada para cada paciente. Las cirugías de Lifting de Abdomen incluyen las siguientes:


Lifting de abdomen estándar:

 También llamada Lifting de Abdomen Tradicional o Cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen Completo, implica emisiones entre los huesos de la cadera y a menudo una incisión alrededor del ombligo. Durante la cirugía, el cirujano plástico tensa los músculos y tira hacia abajo de la piel sobre el estómago, eliminando el exceso de piel.


Lifting de abdomen extendido:

El lifting abdominal extendido es la combinación de un lifting abdominal completo y un lifting lateral de muslos. Las incisiones se realizan un poco más arriba en el abdomen en comparación con el Lifting de Abdomen Completo, pero son más largas y abarcan de cadera a cadera. La operación de Lifting de Abdomen Ampliado incluye el contorno abdominal de un Lifting de Abdomen Completo y permite mejorar aún más el flanco, así como suavizar el contorno de la parte superior lateral del muslo.


Minilifting de abdomen:

 El minilifting de abdomen implica la realización de una incisión más pequeña en el abdomen y la eliminación del exceso de piel y tejido graso abdominal sin sustituir el ombligo. Este método también elimina las cicatrices bajo el vientre que podrían producirse debido al parto.


Lifting inverso del abdomen:

La abdominoplastia inversa se centra en la parte superior del abdomen. Es un espejo del Lifting de Abdomen Completo , que se centra en la zona abdominal inferior. Implica la eliminación de la piel suelta de la región por encima del ombligo.


¿Qué hay que tener en cuenta antes del lifting de abdomen?

Antes de la cirugía de lifting abdominal:

  • El paciente debe estar en el hospital un día antes de su intervención para que se le realicen las pruebas preoperatorias.
  • El paciente debe dejar de fumar y consumir alcohol al menos 2 semanas antes de la cirugía para aliviar el riesgo de un coágulo de sangre.
  • El paciente debe evitar medicamentos que contengan aspirina o ibuprofeno (Advil, Motrin IB, otros) durante dos semanas antes y después de la cirugía. Estos medicamentos pueden aumentar el riesgo de hemorragia interna. Los pacientes deben confirmar cada medicamento y suplemento que deseen tomar con su Coordinador de Pacientes.
  • El paciente debe dejar de tomar suplementos Multivitamínicos 7 días antes de la cirugía, y si contiene vitamina K no debe usarse durante los 30 días siguientes a la cirugía.
  • El paciente debe dejar de tomar anticonceptivos orales 30 días antes de la cirugía.


Se examinará y medirá el cuerpo del paciente y se le recomendará el tipo de cirugía de lifting abdominal más adecuado. Es posible que el cirujano tome fotografías para que el paciente pueda comparar el aspecto antes y después de la cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen.


¿Cómo se realiza el Lifting de Abdomen?

 Las cirugías de Lifting de Abdomen se realizan, generalmente, bajo anestesia general.


Lifting de abdomen estándar:

Se realiza una gran incisión en la parte inferior del abdomen, por debajo del ombligo, cerca de las ingles, separando la piel de la pared abdominal por debajo del ombligo. El exceso de grasa y piel se elimina a través de la incisión. La piel restante se estira hacia abajo y se fija en su sitio sellando las incisiones con suturas.


Lifting extendido del abdomen:

Se realiza una gran incisión en la parte inferior del abdomen, justo por encima de la zona púbica, que se extiende de cadera a cadera. Se realiza una segunda incisión alrededor del ombligo para separarlo del tejido circundante. Se separa la piel de la pared abdominal, se reajustan los músculos abdominales situados debajo y se elimina el exceso de piel y grasa. Se hace un nuevo orificio para el ombligo y se sutura. La piel restante se junta y se sutura en su sitio.


Minilifting de abdomen:

Se realiza una pequeña incisión, similar a la que se hace durante una cesárea. A través de la incisión, el cirujano elimina el exceso de grasa y piel y tensa los músculos sueltos, creando una pared abdominal plana y lisa. El Mini Lifting de Abdomen es capaz de eliminar la menor cantidad de grasa y piel sobrantes en comparación con otras variantes de Lifting de Abdomen.


Lifting de abdomen inverso:

Se realizan incisiones que atraviesan el pliegue mamario inferior y luego conectan el esternón con ambos lados de la parte superior del abdomen. Se elimina el exceso de piel y, a continuación, la piel restante se estira hacia abajo y se fija en su sitio mediante suturas. Si es necesario, también puede realizarse una liposucción. Las cicatrices resultantes pueden ocultarse debajo de la ropa interior o incluso de los bañadores de dos piezas.


¿Qué hay que tener en cuenta tras el lifting abdominal?

Tras la intervención, la zona abdominal se cubrirá con apósitos quirúrgicos. En la mayoría de los casos, se pueden colocar pequeños tubos de drenaje alrededor de la zona de la incisión para evitar la acumulación de sangre y otros fluidos corporales. Se recomienda a los pacientes que hagan lo siguiente

  • Los pacientes deben llevar una faja abdominal y las prendas que se les proporcionen tras la intervención durante al menos 6 semanas después de la cirugía.
  • Los pacientes deben seguir una dieta sana, ya que acelerará el proceso de cicatrización.
  • Los pacientes deben tomar la medicación prescrita según las indicaciones de su médico.
  • Llevar ropa holgada y cómoda.
  • Los pacientes deben evitar los ejercicios extenuantes, ejercer presión sobre la parte inferior del abdomen y caminar con la espalda recta.
  • Los pacientes deben evitar los baños calientes.


¿Cuáles son los riesgos del lifting de abdomen?

Como cualquier cirugía mayor, la cirugía de Lifting de Abdomen tiene ciertos riesgos asociados. Estos riesgos incluyen, entre otros, los siguientes:

  • Acumulación de líquido cerca de la piel, Seroma.
  • Infección
  • Hinchazón
  • Cicatrización lenta de la herida
  • Cicatrización
  • Cambios en la sensibilidad de la piel
  • Reacción adversa a la anestesia
Booking Surgery
customer reviewed The best service ever - miles better than the UK!

So my partner and I went for some treatments last week. David Turker is our coordinator. I was staying at Optimed and had Dr Ahmet for an arm lift. I also had one tooth implant at the dental clinic in the city. My partner has a hair transplant and consultation for new teeth. The hospital was immaculately clean and the nurses lovely and so helpful even though they mostly didn’t speak English. There was a translator there in situ 24/7. Nothing was too much trouble for the translators. We decided instead of staying in a hotel my partner would stay in the hospital with me. This meant some running about the city for the translators but they took it in their stride. I’ve had 8 operations in my 65 years in the UK with the NHS and this hospital and nurses were 4 times better in every way. They treated you with respect unlike here where they often treat you like a child! The dental clinic was out of this world in terms of cleanliness and the modern latest equipment plus the female surgeon who did my implant spoke English but the translator was there anyway. She was quick and effective and I could tell she knew exactly what she was doing. Compare this to me having 2 implants with a dental surgeon in Scotland. I paid £12,000 for 2. In Istanbul I paid £435 plus my service was second to none and no messing about. My partner had to have extra ozone treatment as he couldn’t stop smoking so it was affecting the blood circulation on his head. They gave him 3 treatments plus on the last night transferred us to the Lionel, a 5 star hotel nearer his clinic to facilitate his treatment before we went to the airport. We paid no extra for all of this. BookingSurgery. One of our translators came with us right up to the security part in the airport carrying our luggage. I felt that each step of the way I was in good hands. I run two businesses and have a governmental job which means I’m used to being in charge. Here I gave over complete control to others because I had complete trust in them. It was great to know they could instruct me and everything would be perfect. We gave our 8 translators $200 tip to share as I don’t think they get paid a lot but they were so lovely. We will both be returning for teeth work and I’ll probably have a face and neck lift with Dr Ahmet. I think the only reason the UK media spread negative reports of bad experiences in Turkey is because they shame the UK in terms of pricing and professionalism. So here it’s £6,000 per tooth implant and there it’s £435! They’re making a profit at that so imagine how we’re being ripped off in the UK paying thousands because we have no choice. The NHS won’t give us implants even though we’ve paid into the system since the age of 16. PS I didn’t have weighr loss surgery but lost the weight myself over several years. So just needed Booking Surgery to sort out saggy arms. So you can still have plastic surgery without having to lose stones and stones. So absolutely well done Booking Surgery. You’re fabulous.

Lee Calder reviewed Booking Surgery has changed my life.

Today my time with Booking surgery came to an end. I cannot put into words how great my experience has been. It has been faultless from Booking the initial surgery which was a Gastric sleeve to leaving today. My surgeon Dr Katar has done an amazing job along with all his colleagues. Rachel the nutritionist gives so much detail into how to make your surgery a success and get the results wanted. I was on floor 5 and everyone of the staff gave 100%. The translators were amazing and got any answers to questions they wasnt sure of. The NHS in the UK could learn alot from coming over here and seeing how it's done. I can't thank them enough and I am looking forward to my fresh start.

Hannah Wilson reviewed ✨ Absolutely amazing ✨

Absolutely amazing! Booking surgery have literally changed my life! 🩷 Communication from the very start with my coordinator ( penny - also amazing btw 🩷 ) right to the very end was A***** I arrived at the airport, made my way to the meeting point and the driver was right there waiting for us bless him, provided water for the journey too! The hospital itself was so clean, so beautiful! All the translators were amazing ( little tip download Google translate incase you need to communicate before the translator can get to you ) I went on my own and I’m pretty sure everyone could tell how anxious I was but everyone and I mean EVERYONE gave me the best care! Not just for my sleeve aftercare but when I was upset or nervous or having a panic episode someone was straight there with me and that meant so much! So to everyone that was there with me the whole way through, ALL the nurses, the housekeeping staff, the surgeons I cannot thankyou enough for being there with me all the way when my life officially started again! My surgery was 25/7/24 and I’m 4 stone lighter! My mental health is so much better for making this decision! So yeah, I Would HIGHLY recommend! Thankyou so so much See you all again soon Xx

Sarah Page reviewed Absolutely everything was great

Absolutely everything. From the taxi to the hospital. Nurses lovely, translators lovely. Dr Atli amazing & listened. Thanks so much, thanks for taking time to make sure i was ok on my own. I would reccomend 100%

Bella Irlandez reviewed I highly recommend booking surgery

I highly recommend booking surgery. From the coordinator. Recommended A to Z. The service that they provided from the day 1 airport pick up safely. A very comfy and beautiful hospital stay. The staff nurses and the house keeping and others staff who gave their good services. Even you don't need a companion cause they are always besides you to what ever you need. You will never feel alone.I really had a good experience with booking surgery. That I really highly recommend it.

Laura S reviewed Highly recommend Booking Surgery

Highly recommend Booking Surgery. From the transfer from the airport and back and everything in-between, couldnt find a fault! In the hospital, everyone from the surgery team, nurses, translators and cleaners are all so friendly regardless of language barrier.

Nicole Ashford reviewed Absolutely incredible

Absolutely incredible! From start to finish my experience has been five star! The people the translators the hospital the surgeon everything was perfect, Can’t fault this company! I had a 360 tummy tuck FDL and arm lift two weeks ago. my surgeon was dr mehmet Emin atli and this man is magic. Over the moon with my results! Seail was a Fantastic help! She made sure I had everything I needed when ever I needed it! 24hour care. Also the translators were brilliant. Chris and mehmet aluif spoke great English and would always be there to help. I couldn’t be happier with my experience. I’m back home now, and they have kept in contact to make sure I’m ok and healing well. So happy I did research and found such a fab company! Thank you for everything!

Leonie reviewed Mommy Makeover, Dr Nebil

I had an extended tummy tuck, breast uplift, muscle repair, 5 area of liposuction by Dr Nebil. This was all booked through my coordinator Robert, he’s been very thorough, anything I’ve asked he’s got the answer for me within 24 hours, he’s been a really helpful booking coordinator! I arrived at the airport and met the taxi man, he brought us to Yaşam Hospital were I met Martin the translator, he then took me for my tests, the next morning I met Dr Nebil were he told me all my tests were okay and he could draw me up for surgery, he advised me on what he thought was best but I didn’t want certain things and he didn’t push me for them just advised that to get the best results he’d recommend getting these done. 15 minutes later I was ready for surgery, got on the bed and down I went, I had sedation and then next minute (6 hours later) I woke up. I got took back to my room and was monitored closely, pain medication given and blankets to warm me up, 6 hours later I was allowed a drink, some food and took my first walk. The morning after surgery was when I got to see my results and OH WOW!!! Dr Nebil is a magician!!! I cannot get over my new body, I am beyond happy!!! Each morning my surgeon came to see me to check my incisions, and drains informed me on my blood results which were taken each morning. 4 days post op, my drains were removed, I felt the best I’ve felt all week. We leave tomorrow and will be picked up and taken to the airport. All the translators have been amazing, coming in to check I am okay and if we need anything, Oscar stood out the most to us he’s so cheeky and helpful he helped us with ordering some food and collecting it for us, but Martin and Stella have been great too! There were two other translators but I never got their names. The nurses have been fantastic! They come in 2 hourly to check my observations, they are all so friendly, and do their best to translate to you if the translator isn’t around. Steve the nurse is so gentle and friendly! There’s been many nurses who stood out to me but too many to name! My only negatives are that on day 2 and 3 I was left for 10-12 hours with no pain medications due to them not listening that my cannula wasn’t working, and also that I wasn’t due any medications but this hadn’t been explained to me. During my stay I did need 5 cannulas due to the care of them, they didn’t get flushed before every use and therefore I think they ended up closing and no longer worked. On some nights the nurses were rather loud, so this could be an issue for people if they struggle to get to sleep with noise. Honestly you hear all the horror stories about surgery abroad but this company has been amazing and I’d 110% recommend them to anybody contemplating surgery abroad!!