Implante mamário

O que é um Implante Mamário?


A cirurgia de Implante Mamário, também designada por Mamoplastia de Aumento e Cirurgia de Aumento de Mama, é uma cirurgia de Estética Mamária que tem como objetivo aumentar o tamanho, e melhorar a forma e contorno das mamas através da inserção da prótese de Implante Mamário.


Porque é que o Implante Mamário é realizado?


O Implante Mamário é utilizado maioritariamente a nível estético para aumentar os seios, mas o Implante Mamário também pode ser realizado para reconstruir os seios. Após uma lesão nos seios ou uma mastectomia, o tecido mamário fica visivelmente menor. A cirurgia de implante mamário permite criar seios com um aspeto natural. Dependendo da preferência do cirurgião, o implante pode ser preenchido com soro fisiológico ou gel de silicone.


Quais são as condições para a cirurgia de Implante Mamário?


A cirurgia de Implante Mamário é acessível a muitas pessoas, sendo que o único requisito é que a paciente seja saudável o suficiente para ser submetida a anestesia geral.


O Cirurgião Plástico fará uma recomendação quanto ao tamanho do implante. O tamanho dos implantes é da responsabilidade da paciente, mas é altamente recomendável seguir os conselhos do cirurgião.


Quais são os factores a ter em conta antes do implante mamário?


Antes da cirurgia, recomenda-se às pacientes o seguinte:


  • O doente deve estar no hospital um dia antes da cirurgia para efetuar os testes pré-operatórios.
  • O doente deve deixar de fumar e de consumir álcool pelo menos 2 semanas antes da cirurgia para reduzir o risco de coágulo sanguíneo.
  • O doente deve evitar medicamentos que contenham aspirina ou ibuprofeno (Advil, Motrin IB, outros) durante duas semanas antes e depois da cirurgia. Estes medicamentos podem aumentar o risco de hemorragia interna. Os pacientes devem confirmar cada medicamento e suplemento que desejam tomar com o coordenador do paciente.
  • O paciente deve parar de tomar suplementos multivitamínicos 7 dias antes da cirurgia e, se contiverem vitamina K, não devem ser utilizados durante 30 dias após a cirurgia.
  • A paciente deve parar de tomar contraceptivos orais 30 dias antes da cirurgia.


Além disso, o corpo da paciente será examinado e medido, e o cirurgião desenhará linhas no corpo para planear onde serão feitas as incisões.


Como é efectuada a cirurgia de implante mamário?


A anestesia geral é administrada no início da cirurgia. E é efectuada uma incisão num dos três locais, dependendo da técnica do cirurgião:


  • Inframamário: A dobra sob o peito
  • Axilar: Debaixo do braço
  • Periareolar: À volta do mamilo


O cirurgião separa então o tecido mamário dos músculos peitorais e do tecido conjuntivo do peito, criando uma bolsa atrás ou à frente do músculo peitoral.


O implante é então inserido na bolsa recém-criada e centrado atrás do mamilo.

Por fim, o cirurgião fecha a incisão com suturas e ligaduras com adesivo cutâneo e fita adesiva cirúrgica.


A cirurgia demora 60 a 90 minutos e espera-se que os implantes sejam mudados 10 a 15 anos mais tarde, uma vez que não são considerados permanentes.


Quais são os cuidados a ter após o implante mamário?


Após a cirurgia, a paciente deve ter os seguintes cuidados


  • Evitar actividades físicas extenuantes.
  • Evitar actividades extenuantes ou pressão na área do peito.
  • Ter uma dieta saudável, pois tornará o processo de cura mais rápido.
  • Tomar a medicação prescrita de acordo com as instruções do médico.
  • Usar roupas confortáveis e largas.
  • Evitar deitar-se de barriga para baixo, uma vez que isso irá exercer pressão sobre os seios.


A paciente pode voltar à sua vida quotidiana 2 semanas após a cirurgia, mas uma recuperação completa demora 6 a 8 semanas.


Quais são os riscos do implante mamário?


A cirurgia de implante mamário tem alguns riscos associados. Estes incluem, mas não estão limitados aos seguintes:

  • Acumulação de fluidos junto à pele, seroma
  • Coágulos sanguíneos
  • Infeção
  • Inchaço
  • Má cicatrização da ferida
  • Cicatrização
  • Alterações na sensação da pele
  • Reação adversa à anestesia
  • Resultado estético abaixo do ideal


Além disso, uma vez que os implantes não são considerados dispositivos médicos permanentes, existe a possibilidade de se inflarem ou romperem com o tempo. Em caso de rutura, o cirurgião plástico tem de substituir o implante rompido por um novo.

Booking Surgery
customer reviewed Hair Transplant, Fantastic Service, Great Coordinator (Bruce Grayson)

Great service from initial contact and throughout the entire procedure, including the hight level of after care. Bruce Grayson the coordinator was fantastic, contactable to answer any questions prior to the trip, during and after once I returned to the UK. The hospital was very clean and modern, all the staff made me feel welcome.

Vicci reviewed My experience here was amazing

My experience here was amazing. The staff, coordinator Bruce Grayson and surgeon were all very attentive, they seriously couldn't do enough. The moment we got to airport we were met and taken to hospital, we filled all paperwork out and then had all pre op. The morning of the operation was seen by surgeon and went down 9.30am went down and was back by lunch time. I have never felt so taken care of. I ended up needing a blood transfusion, but again the team were amazing, told me there was a small charge but I mean you can't put a price on health and I felt so much better afterwards. The Room was cleaned twice a day they were so friendly, left the place gleaming, even the staff that brought us food 3 times a day really cared about their jobs. Cannot recommend them enough. My Breast reduction and Lift was the best decision I have ever made Dr Hakan Fatih Merev was superb 👌🏼 I would definitely go back to him.

Lucie Corcoran reviewed Excellent, efficient company.

Cannot praise this company enough. From being picked up from the airport until I was taken back on the return journey every aspect of the experience was fantastic. I had a 360FDL and arm life and travelled alone. Dr. Emin is a genius but the coordinator (Robert), nurses, translators, cleaners, catering staff and taxi driver were all amazing. I felt extremely safe and looked after. Booked again to go back in April and have no worries. Robert has been amazing answering any questions to reassure me and nothing was too much trouble. Would highly recommend for efficiency, perfection and care.

Crystal Rudd reviewed VSG jan 2023, 360fdl&arms jan 2025

January 2023 I went with booking surgery for my gastric sleeve, my surgeon was Dr Servet Karagul. I had Penny River as my coordinator, i was so anxious about the whole thing. Penny was phenomenal and helped so much with my mental state. From the transport to the hospital and the care from BHT clinic hospital and the staff with Bookingsurgery I had an amazing experience, clean room, fantastic staff & great translators. It's now 2025 I'm over 2 years post-op sleeve and I went back with booking surgery for my first round of plastics (lose skin removal) i had a 360fdl tummy tuck and arm lift with also lipo to my outer thighs. This time I was greated with a bunch of flowers at the airport alongside Penny personally being there. (I gave permission for booking surgery to document my arrival and pre-op tests/ surgery) upon arrival at the hospital medistanbul I had pre-op tests within the hour of arrival and also Penny went to Starbucks to get myself and my mother something to eat (as we arrived on Sunday evening) 13th jan 2025 I had my surgery with Dr Yalcinl it is early days but the work he's done is insane and I've had many people comment at the precision of his work. Through my whole stay at medistanbul I was looked after from both nursing staff of the hospital and booking surgery nurses & their translators if i needed any support within the language barrier. This was a differnt hospital from where I had my sleeve and I was slightly anxious but bookingsurgery was still the same. They go above and beyond for their patients to ensure we are alright and address and needs or issues we may have. I cannot wait to go back again with bookingsurgery to have my Thighs and breasts done. Absolutely 10/10. Thank you

Laura Sammut reviewed Excellent care from start to finish

Excellent care from start to finish. This is my second time with Booking surgery and from booking the surgery with Mike Smith to being picked up at the airport and meeting the surgeon, everything was smooth as usual. I am super happy with my results and can’t wait to be back!

Emma reviewed The whole experience

The staff, the facilities and obviously the surgeons results. Dr Emin and his team have looked after me now for the 3rd time and I would recommend him and them to anyone! Amazing service, warm and friendly welcome, the interpreters, keep you up to date with everything, they, the nurses, the drivers, the cleaning staff all do their best to make sure you feel at ease and are well looked after, thank you! ❤️

Nikki Lawton reviewed Gastric sleeve surgery

Had my gastric sleeve surgery 20/1/25 I was so nervous but arrived at yasam hospital and everything was perfect. Very spacious and clean room. Staff were all very nice had an interpreter available all the time. Nothing was too much. Had pre op tests and discussed them with a few different specialist consultants. Met Dr Ali Tardu the morning of my surgery very nice man. Surgery went well and had all appropriate after care. I was worried about travelling home 2 days post op but nursing staff and Dr Tardu reassured me I was fit to fly and topped me up on IV pain relief before I left so I was more comfortable. I was given dietary advice and all medication to return home with. Thank you to all the staff and my co ordinator Sean he was always available and still is for after care. I’m home and recovering well. Would highly recommend Booking surgery very professional.

Cecilia Archer reviewed Highly recommend booking!

My experience from the moment I enquired to the moment I booked surgery, checking into the hospital and the whole treatment was fantastic. The nurses were so caring and the translators were so helpful. I’m overwhelmed at how easy they have made the process for me. Definitely recommend.