Variações do Abdominoplastia

O que é a cirurgia de Abdominoplastia?


A cirurgia de Abdominoplastia é uma cirurgia estética corporal que tem como objetivo tornar o abdómen mais fino e firme através da remoção do excesso de pele e gordura do abdómen médio e inferior. A cirurgia de Abdominoplastia aperta também o músculo e a fáscia da parede abdominal.


Por que razão é realizado o Abdominoplastia?


O excesso de pele flácida no abdómen pode dever-se ao envelhecimento, à perda de peso excessiva e ao parto. A cirurgia de Abdominoplastia é a melhor opção para remover a pele flácida no abdómen, e o tipo ideal de cirurgia de Abdominoplastia é recomendado pelo Cirurgião Plástico responsável.


Quais são as condições para o Abdominoplastia?


A cirurgia de Abdominoplastia é uma das cirurgias plásticas mais comuns e tem algumas condições que precisam de ser cumpridas.

  • O paciente deve ser elegível para se submeter a anestesia geral.
  • O paciente deve ter excesso de flacidez da pele e excesso de tecido adiposo no tecido abdominal, particularmente sob a barriga. Indivíduos com músculos abdominais soltos, fissuras na pele sob a barriga, tecido adiposo abdominal flácido apesar da perda de peso são candidatos elegíveis.
  • O Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) do doente deve ser inferior a 30.

Quais são os tipos de cirurgia de Abdominoplastia?

Existem diferentes cirurgias de Abdominoplastia, cada uma abrangendo uma área diferente do corpo. A cirurgia de Abdominoplastia adequada para um doente deve ser aconselhada por um cirurgião. As cirurgias de Abdominoplastia incluem:

O Abdominoplastia padrão:

Também chamado de Abdominoplastia Tradicional ou Cirurgia de Abdominoplastia Total, envolve emissões entre os ossos da anca e muitas vezes uma incisão à volta do umbigo, o umbigo. Durante a cirurgia, o cirurgião plástico aperta os músculos e puxa para baixo a pele sobre o estômago, removendo o excesso de pele.

Elevação alargada do abdómen:

O Elevação alargada do abdómen é a combinação de um Abdominoplastia Total com um Elevação Lateral de Coxas. As incisões são feitas um pouco mais acima no abdómen em comparação com o Abdominoplastia total, mas são mais longas e vão da anca à anca. A operação de Abdominoplastia Alargado inclui o contorno abdominal de um Abdominoplastia completo e permite melhorar ainda mais o flanco, bem como suavizar o contorno da parte superior lateral da coxa.

Mini Abdominoplastia:

O Mini Abdominoplastia implica uma incisão mais pequena no abdómen e envolve a remoção do excesso de pele abdominal e de tecido adiposo sem substituir o umbigo. Este método também elimina as cicatrizes sob a barriga que podem ocorrer devido ao parto.

Abdominoplastia inversa:

A abdominoplastia inversa centra-se na parte superior do abdómen. É um espelho do Full Abdominoplastia, que se concentra na zona inferior do abdómen. Envolve a remoção da pele solta da região acima do umbigo.

O que deve ser considerado antes do Abdominoplastia?


Antes da cirurgia de elevação do abdómen:


  • O doente deve estar no hospital um dia antes da cirurgia para efetuar os testes pré-operatórios.
  • O doente deve deixar de fumar e de consumir álcool pelo menos 2 semanas antes da cirurgia para reduzir o risco de coágulo sanguíneo.
  • O doente deve evitar medicamentos que contenham aspirina ou ibuprofeno (Advil, Motrin IB, outros) durante duas semanas antes e depois da cirurgia. Estes medicamentos podem aumentar o risco de hemorragia interna. Os pacientes devem confirmar cada medicamento e suplemento que desejam tomar com o coordenador do paciente.
  • O paciente deve parar de tomar suplementos multivitamínicos 7 dias antes da cirurgia e, se contiverem vitamina K, não devem ser utilizados durante 30 dias após a cirurgia.
  • A paciente deve parar de tomar contraceptivos orais 30 dias antes da cirurgia.


O corpo do paciente será examinado e medido, e será feita a recomendação sobre o tipo de cirurgia de Abdominoplastia mais adequado. O cirurgião poderá mandar tirar fotografias para que o paciente possa comparar a aparência antes e depois da cirurgia de Abdominoplastia.


Como é realizado o Abdominoplastia?


As cirurgias de Abdominoplastia são, normalmente, realizadas sob anestesia geral.


Abdominoplastia padrão:


É feita uma grande incisão na parte inferior do abdómen, abaixo do umbigo, perto das virilhas, separando a pele da parede abdominal abaixo do umbigo. O excesso de gordura e de pele é removido através da incisão. A pele remanescente é esticada para baixo e colocada no lugar, selando as incisões com suturas.


Abdominoplastia alargado:


É feita uma incisão grande na parte inferior do abdómen, logo acima da zona púbica, que se estende de anca a anca. É efectuada uma segunda incisão à volta do umbigo para o separar do tecido circundante. A pele é separada da parede abdominal, depois os músculos abdominais por baixo são reorganizados e o excesso de pele e gordura é removido. É feito um novo orifício para o umbigo e este é suturado no sítio. A pele restante é unida e cosida no sítio.


Mini Abdominoplastia :


É feita uma pequena incisão, semelhante à incisão feita durante uma cesariana. Através da incisão, o cirurgião remove o excesso de gordura e pele e aperta os músculos soltos, criando uma parede abdominal plana e lisa. Um Mini Abdominoplastia é capaz de remover a menor quantidade de excesso de gordura e pele em comparação com outras variantes do Abdominoplastia.


Elevação inversa do abdómen:


São feitas incisões que atravessam a prega mamária inferior e ligam o esterno aos dois lados da parte superior do abdómen. O excesso de pele é removido e, em seguida, a pele restante é esticada para baixo e colocada no lugar com suturas. Se necessário, pode também ser efectuada uma lipoaspiração. As cicatrizes resultantes podem ser escondidas por baixo da roupa interior ou mesmo de fatos de banho de duas peças.


Quais são os aspectos a ter em conta após o Abdominoplastia?


Após o procedimento, a área abdominal será coberta com pensos cirúrgicos. Na maioria dos casos, podem ser colocados tubos de drenagem finos e pequenos à volta da área da incisão para evitar a acumulação de sangue e outros fluidos corporais. Recomenda-se que os pacientes façam o seguinte:


  • Os pacientes devem usar uma cinta abdominal e peças de vestuário fornecidas após a cirurgia durante pelo menos 6 semanas após a cirurgia.
  • Os pacientes devem ter uma dieta saudável, pois isso tornará o processo de cicatrização mais rápido.
  • Os pacientes devem tomar a medicação prescrita de acordo com as instruções do seu médico.
  • Usar roupas confortáveis e largas.
  • Os doentes devem evitar exercícios extenuantes, exercer pressão sobre a parte inferior do abdómen e andar com as costas direitas.
  • Os doentes devem evitar banhos quentes.

Quais são os riscos do Abdominoplastia?

Como qualquer cirurgia de grande porte, a cirurgia de Abdominoplastia tem certos riscos associados. Estes riscos incluem, mas não estão limitados a:

  • Acumulação de fluidos junto à pele, seroma
  • Infeção
  • Inchaço
  • Cicatrização lenta da ferida
  • Cicatrização
  • Alterações na sensação da pele
  • Reação adversa à anestesia
Booking Surgery
Dianne Latina reviewed Dr Soner and Medical team

I recently had the opportunity to be treated by Dr. Soner and the entire team at Yaşam hospital, and I am thoroughly impressed with the level of care I received. From the moment I arrived, the staff was friendly, attentive, and efficient, ensuring that my check-in process was smooth. Dr. Soner took the time to listen to all of my concerns, thoroughly explained my diagnosis, and discussed my treatment options in detail. The nursing team was equally exceptional — they were compassionate and made sure I was comfortable throughout the process. Communication was clear, and I always felt well-informed about my treatment plan. Additionally, the clinic itself was clean, modern, and well-organized, which added to my overall positive experience. I also appreciated how the team worked collaboratively to ensure the best possible outcome for my care. They were proactive, professional, and genuinely invested in my health. Overall, I would highly recommend Dr. Soner and the medical team at Yaşam hospital to anyone seeking quality healthcare. They exceeded my expectations in every way. I thank each and everyone of you and will miss the level of friendship and respect that was shown both for myself and my daughter .

Melanie reviewed Incredible

I have had the most incredible experience using this company. The care I received was 100%. I would highly recommend recommend. They have clean up to date hospitals. Very good 🙏🏻

Alison Mc Bryde reviewed Excellent service and after care 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I have had my gastric bypass over 2 years ago, and all I can say is that their service is impeccable and excellent! The way you are threatened starting from the coordinator, the surgeon, the nurses, translator, driver, and all the team involved, and the way they take care of you and they always answer any questions you might have is GREAT!!! 😊 Also the after care service of which is very important is excellent!! They guide you according about everything from self care to daily nutrition. Even after the operation they keep in contact with you as regards how you are doing and feeling and also to check your blood tests. Their dietitian team especially Dietitian Rachel is very helpful and will answer any questions you might have. She will gladly help you with a meal plan to follow after surgery depending on your stage, and even after years you had the operation just in case you are off track and you gain back a few kilos, she will gladly help you get back on track with suggestions and meal plan, and always replies to any queries at any time ❤️ lovely staff always there to help. Can't suggest them enough 😊🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Allanna Riggins reviewed This was the first time I’ve ever done…

This was the first time I’ve ever done anything like this and I was so scared and nervous although I had co ordinator Pierre who was just amazing from start to finish and went over and above for me, always there when I was anxious nervous or scared, the service you receive is second to none and I’m so happy I’ve done this .. thanks Pierre for making this daunting experience so much easier for me and putting up with me when I was freaking out lol ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I couldn’t have done this without the help of pierre .. what a guy.. thanks so much ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Miss Katie Ford reviewed OUTSTANDING, AMAZING.

All I can say about is WOW WOW WOW. From the very start to the end my experience has been seamless. I had the typical Mum body, sagging breasts from breastfeeding and hanging belly. I was so miserable and insecure. I knew I wanted this done and knew I had to travel alone from the UK which worried me and every single 'what if' entered my head. I found off Google and my journey with them from booking to flying home was seamless. I under took a breast lift, implants, tummy tuck and lipo suction 'The Mummy Makeover ' Everyone were so professional and caring and they all went above and beyond for me. My coordinator was Rossie, who was amazing. Such a lovely, friendly and caring person. She came to meet me on my arrival and came to say goodbye at the end - she was only ever a whatsapp away. Rossie even said to contacy her about any concerns at home or for further aftercare. My Consultant was Dr Omer and he knew exactly what my desired outcome was, I left everything in his hands and he was spot on, he is truly a magician. Dr Omer personally came to see me himself always with a smile even to change dressings etc which instantly put my mind at ease. Honestly, every single thing and person during my experience have been outstanding and I will only return home a better person for myself and my family! I am a changed woman. From the bottom of my heart, thankyou thankyou thankyou!

Carly reviewed Second time using this company for my…

Second time using this company for my Gastric Sleeve in Turkey, 5* care from the moment the driver picked me up and dropped me back off again. Hospital staff 10/10. Would definitely use again

customer reviewed The best service ever - miles better than the UK!

So my partner and I went for some treatments last week. David Turker is our coordinator. I was staying at Optimed and had Dr Ahmet for an arm lift. I also had one tooth implant at the dental clinic in the city. My partner has a hair transplant and consultation for new teeth. The hospital was immaculately clean and the nurses lovely and so helpful even though they mostly didn’t speak English. There was a translator there in situ 24/7. Nothing was too much trouble for the translators. We decided instead of staying in a hotel my partner would stay in the hospital with me. This meant some running about the city for the translators but they took it in their stride. I’ve had 8 operations in my 65 years in the UK with the NHS and this hospital and nurses were 4 times better in every way. They treated you with respect unlike here where they often treat you like a child! The dental clinic was out of this world in terms of cleanliness and the modern latest equipment plus the female surgeon who did my implant spoke English but the translator was there anyway. She was quick and effective and I could tell she knew exactly what she was doing. Compare this to me having 2 implants with a dental surgeon in Scotland. I paid £12,000 for 2. In Istanbul I paid £435 plus my service was second to none and no messing about. My partner had to have extra ozone treatment as he couldn’t stop smoking so it was affecting the blood circulation on his head. They gave him 3 treatments plus on the last night transferred us to the Lionel, a 5 star hotel nearer his clinic to facilitate his treatment before we went to the airport. We paid no extra for all of this. BookingSurgery. One of our translators came with us right up to the security part in the airport carrying our luggage. I felt that each step of the way I was in good hands. I run two businesses and have a governmental job which means I’m used to being in charge. Here I gave over complete control to others because I had complete trust in them. It was great to know they could instruct me and everything would be perfect. We gave our 8 translators $200 tip to share as I don’t think they get paid a lot but they were so lovely. We will both be returning for teeth work and I’ll probably have a face and neck lift with Dr Ahmet. I think the only reason the UK media spread negative reports of bad experiences in Turkey is because they shame the UK in terms of pricing and professionalism. So here it’s £6,000 per tooth implant and there it’s £435! They’re making a profit at that so imagine how we’re being ripped off in the UK paying thousands because we have no choice. The NHS won’t give us implants even though we’ve paid into the system since the age of 16. PS I didn’t have weighr loss surgery but lost the weight myself over several years. So just needed Booking Surgery to sort out saggy arms. So you can still have plastic surgery without having to lose stones and stones. So absolutely well done Booking Surgery. You’re fabulous.

Lee Calder reviewed Booking Surgery has changed my life.

Today my time with Booking surgery came to an end. I cannot put into words how great my experience has been. It has been faultless from Booking the initial surgery which was a Gastric sleeve to leaving today. My surgeon Dr Katar has done an amazing job along with all his colleagues. Rachel the nutritionist gives so much detail into how to make your surgery a success and get the results wanted. I was on floor 5 and everyone of the staff gave 100%. The translators were amazing and got any answers to questions they wasnt sure of. The NHS in the UK could learn alot from coming over here and seeing how it's done. I can't thank them enough and I am looking forward to my fresh start.