Lifting Facial

O que é a cirurgia de Lifting Facial?


A cirurgia de Lifting Facial, também conhecida como Ritidectomia, é uma Cirurgia Plástica que tem como objetivo criar um aspeto mais jovem no rosto através da remoção do excesso de pele na face.


Porque é que se realiza o Lifting Facial?


Lifting facial é um termo geral utilizado para descrever qualquer aplicação cosmética em que os sinais de envelhecimento são corrigidos através do aperto da pele no pescoço, sob o queixo e à volta da bochecha. A cirurgia de Lifting facial tem como objetivo criar uma aparência mais suave e mais jovem. Se o paciente tiver sinais visíveis de envelhecimento, rugas ou parecer mais velho do que a sua idade real, um procedimento de Lifting facial pode ajudar a aliviá-los.


Quais são as condições para a cirurgia de Lifting facial?


Os candidatos ideais para a cirurgia de Lifting facial são aqueles cuja pele do rosto e do pescoço começou a descair, mas a pele ainda não perdeu a sua elasticidade. Os pacientes que podem ser submetidos com segurança a anestesia geral e que têm pele flácida suficiente são elegíveis para o Lifting facial. A cirurgia de Lifting facial é normalmente aplicada a doentes com mais de 40 anos. No entanto, a cirurgia de Lifting facial pode ser efectuada na totalidade ou de forma limitada em idades mais precoces, dependendo do doente. A cirurgia de lifting facial é normalmente combinada com rinoplastia, blefaroplastia, redução da testa e lifting de sobrancelhas.


Quais são os tipos de cirurgia de Lifting facial?


Existem 4 tipos de cirurgias de lifting facial, mas um lifting facial inferior é o mesmo que uma cirurgia de lifting do pescoço e tem uma página separada com mais informações.


Lifting total da face:


Tem como objetivo eliminar a flacidez da pele na base do queixo e do pescoço, levantando e fortalecendo os músculos frouxos nessa parte do rosto. O lifting facial em plano profundo implica que o cirurgião se aprofunde sob o sistema músculo-aponeurótico, SMAS. Localizado sob a pele, perto dos músculos utilizados para sorrir e franzir as sobrancelhas, o cirurgião reposiciona, remodela e alisa a camada do SMAS para eliminar as rugas e fazer com que o paciente pareça mais jovem e radiante.


Mini Lifting facial:

O mini-lifting facial envolve a utilização de incisões pequenas e discretas sob a linha do cabelo, para que o cirurgião possa habilmente apertar e alisar a pele enquanto remove o excesso de tecido. Um mini Lifting facial é eficaz na redução do aparecimento de papadas ou na sua eliminação completa. As papadas formam-se normalmente à volta da metade inferior das bochechas e da boca como resultado da redução da produção de colagénio à medida que as pessoas envelhecem.


Lifting médio da face:

Tal como o nome indica, o Lifting da face média visa a secção média do rosto, em particular as bochechas. Ao contrário de um implante de bochechas, o cirurgião remove o excesso de tecido ou utiliza tecido existente em vez de implantes para levantar as bochechas, eliminar a flacidez e remover as rugas. O Lifting médio da face é recomendado para pacientes que não têm papadas ou linhas de marioneta. No entanto, também pode ser efectuado em conjunto com procedimentos que removem as papadas e as linhas de marioneta.


Quais são os factores a ter em conta antes do lifting facial?


Antes da cirurgia de Lifting facial, recomenda-se aos pacientes o seguinte:


  • O doente deve estar no hospital um dia antes da cirurgia para efetuar os testes pré-operatórios.
  • O doente deve deixar de fumar e de consumir álcool pelo menos 2 semanas antes da cirurgia para reduzir o risco de coágulo sanguíneo.
  • O doente deve evitar medicamentos que contenham aspirina ou ibuprofeno (Advil, Motrin IB, outros) durante duas semanas antes e depois da cirurgia. Estes medicamentos podem aumentar o risco de hemorragia interna. Os pacientes devem confirmar cada medicamento e suplemento que desejam tomar com o coordenador do paciente.
  • O paciente deve parar de tomar suplementos multivitamínicos uma semana e suplementos de vitamina K um mês antes da cirurgia.
  • A paciente deve parar de tomar contraceptivos orais um mês antes da cirurgia.



Além disso, o rosto do paciente será examinado e medido, e o cirurgião poderá mandar tirar fotografias para que o paciente possa comparar a aparência antes e depois da cirurgia de lifting facial.


Como é efectuada a cirurgia de Lifting Facial?


Procedimento de lifting facial completo:


Uma incisão tradicional de lifting facial começa frequentemente na linha do cabelo nas têmporas, continua à volta da orelha e termina à volta da parte inferior do couro cabeludo. A gordura pode ser esculpida ou redistribuída da face, papada ou pescoço e o tecido subjacente é reposicionado, normalmente as camadas mais profundas da face e os músculos também são levantados.


Procedimento de lifting médio da face:


O cirurgião efectua as incisões iniciais à volta da linha do cabelo e da testa para aceder aos músculos faciais descaídos. Também podem ser feitas incisões para endoscópios para melhorar a visualização. O médico disseca então a pele do músculo na zona da testa e das bochechas. Os músculos serão então fixados numa posição mais elevada, mais perto das têmporas e dos lados do rebordo do osso do olho.


Procedimento de Mini Lifting facial:


O Mini Lifting facial é o tipo menos invasivo de Lifting facial, diferindo do Deep Plane Lift apenas pela ausência do lifting do pescoço durante a cirurgia de Mini Lifting facial. Em vez disso, são utilizadas incisões mais pequenas, mas continua a ser uma cirurgia invasiva e é igual a um lifting facial completo.


Quais são os factores a ter em conta após a cirurgia de lifting facial?


Durante o processo de cicatrização, recomenda-se aos pacientes o seguinte:


  • Não usar as lentes de contacto até um dia após a cirurgia, os óculos podem ser usados assim que as ligaduras forem removidas.
  • Não tomar duche durante pelo menos 2 dias após a cirurgia e não usar secador de cabelo durante um mês.
  • Não pintar o cabelo até 6 semanas após a cirurgia.
  • Usar roupas que evitem fricção nos locais de incisão quando usadas ou retiradas.
  • Não participar em actividades físicas extenuantes, natação ou exercícios que exijam a rotação da cabeça durante 6 semanas após a cirurgia.
  • Virar-se com toda a parte superior do corpo, utilizando também os ombros, para evitar colocar pressão sobre a face e o pescoço.
  • Evitar pastilhas elásticas ou alimentos difíceis de mastigar.
  • Não conduzir durante 2 semanas após a cirurgia.
  • Não fumar durante um mês após a cirurgia, pois pode causar necrose, bem como infeção, má cicatrização, cicatrizes e muitos outros efeitos colaterais negativos.


Quais são os riscos da cirurgia de lifting facial?


Os riscos da cirurgia de lifting facial incluem, mas não estão limitados aos seguintes:


  • Hematoma: Uma coleção de sangue sob a pele é a complicação mais comum de um lifting facial. Um hematoma causa inchaço e pressão, e geralmente forma-se dentro de 24 horas após a cirurgia.
  • Lesão nervosa: A lesão dos nervos é rara. Uma lesão pode afetar os nervos que controlam a sensação ou os músculos. Este efeito pode ser temporário ou permanente.
  • Perda de pele: Raramente, um lifting facial pode interromper o fornecimento de sangue aos tecidos faciais. Isto pode resultar em perda de pele. A perda de pele é tratada com medicamentos e cuidados adequados com a ferida.
  • Perda de cabelo
  • Hemorragia
  • Infeção

How long does a facelift last?

The duration of the results of a facelift, often referred to as its longevity, can vary from person to person due to factors such as individual skin quality, genetics, lifestyle, and the specific techniques used in the procedure. However, on average, the results of a facelift can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years.

Here are some considerations for the longevity of facelift results:

1. Type of Facelift: The type of facelift you undergo can impact how long the results last. A full facelift that addresses multiple areas of the face may have longer-lasting results compared to a mini facelift, which is less extensive.

2. Skin Quality: The quality and elasticity of your skin play a significant role in how long the results last. Younger individuals with better skin quality often experience longer-lasting results.

3. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices such as sun exposure, smoking, diet, and skincare habits can affect the longevity of facelift results. Protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the effects.

4. Genetics: Your genetics can influence how your skin ages. Some people naturally have more resilient skin and may experience longer-lasting facelift results.

5. Non-Surgical Maintenance: Many individuals choose to complement their facelift results with non-surgical treatments like Botox, dermal fillers, and skin care regimens. These treatments can extend the longevity of the facelift results.

6. Natural Aging: While a facelift can provide a significant improvement in the appearance of the face, it doesn't stop the aging process. Over time, you will continue to age naturally, but from a "younger starting point."

7. Maintenance and Revisions: Some people opt for secondary facelifts or touch-up procedures as the initial results begin to fade. These can help maintain a refreshed appearance.

It's important to note that while the results of a facelift are not permanent, they can have a long-lasting and rejuvenating effect. The specific duration of your facelift results will depend on your unique circumstances. To maximize the longevity of your facelift, it's important to follow a healthy lifestyle, protect your skin from the sun, and consult with your plastic surgeon for any maintenance or revision procedures if needed. Your surgeon can provide guidance on how to best care for your results and keep your appearance looking youthful.

Is 50 too old for a mini facelift?

No, 50 is not too old for a mini facelift. Many individuals in their 50s and beyond choose to undergo a mini facelift or other facial rejuvenation procedures to address signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance. The decision to have a mini facelift at this age depends on individual factors, including the extent of aging, personal goals, and overall health.

A mini facelift is a less extensive procedure compared to a full facelift, and it is often chosen by individuals who have milder signs of aging or want a more subtle improvement. It can be an excellent option for addressing sagging skin, jowls, and wrinkles in the lower face and neck.

Here are some considerations for undergoing a mini facelift at age 50 or older:

1. Extent of Aging: If you have mild to moderate signs of aging, such as sagging skin and jowls, a mini facelift can provide effective rejuvenation.

2. Individual Goals: Your personal goals and expectations for the procedure are essential. A mini facelift can provide a more natural and subtle enhancement, which may be preferable for some individuals.

3. Health and Fitness: Being in good general health is important for any surgical procedure. Your surgeon will assess your medical history to ensure you are a suitable candidate.

4. Consultation with a Surgeon: Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your specific case and discuss the best options for achieving your goals. They can help determine if a mini facelift is the right choice for you.

5. Realistic Expectations: It's important to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the mini facelift. While the procedure can provide a more youthful appearance, it won't make you look dramatically younger. Discussing your goals with your surgeon during the consultation is crucial.

Ultimately, age alone should not be a determining factor when considering a mini facelift. Many individuals in their 50s and beyond can achieve satisfying results with this procedure. The decision should be based on your individual appearance, goals, and consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who can guide you toward the most appropriate options for facial rejuvenation.

What is the average age a woman gets a facelift?

The average age at which a woman gets a facelift can vary depending on individual factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and personal preferences. There is no one specific age that applies to all women, and the decision to undergo a facelift is highly individual. However, the typical age range for women considering facelift surgery is generally between 40 and 60 years old. Some women may choose to have a facelift in their 50s or even 60s, while others may opt for the procedure in their 40s or earlier, depending on their specific circumstances.

Factors that influence the timing of a facelift for women include:

1. Visible Signs of Aging: Women typically consider a facelift when they begin to notice visible signs of aging, such as sagging skin, jowls, wrinkles, and a loss of facial volume. The severity of these signs varies from person to person.

2. Individual Goals: Personal goals and expectations for the procedure play a significant role in determining when a woman chooses to have a facelift. Some may prefer to address early signs of aging, while others may wait until the signs are more pronounced.

3. Health and Fitness: Being in good overall health is essential for any surgical procedure. Women should be in good health and free from medical conditions that could pose risks during surgery or recovery.

4. Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon: The decision to have a facelift should be made in consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual's specific case and discuss the best options for achieving their goals.

5. Realistic Expectations: It's important for women to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of a facelift. The procedure can provide a more youthful appearance, but it won't make someone look dramatically younger.

Ultimately, the timing of a facelift is a highly personal decision. It's based on the individual's appearance, goals, and consultation with a plastic surgeon who can provide personalized advice based on their unique needs and circumstances. Age is just one of several factors to consider when determining the right time for a facelift.

What age is best for facelift?

The ideal age for a facelift can vary from person to person and is not solely determined by chronological age. Instead, the decision to have a facelift is typically based on individual factors, including a person's appearance, goals, and the extent of facial aging. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some general guidelines:

1. Visible Signs of Aging: The most common reason for getting a facelift is the presence of visible signs of aging, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and jowls. These signs can start to become noticeable in the late 40s to early 60s, but they can vary widely based on genetics and lifestyle factors.

2. Individual Goals: A person's goals and expectations play a significant role in determining the right age for a facelift. Some individuals may choose to have a facelift at an earlier age to address mild signs of aging, while others may wait until the signs are more pronounced.

3. Non-Surgical Alternatives: Before considering a facelift, many individuals explore non-surgical treatments like Botox, dermal fillers, and skin care regimens to address early signs of aging. These treatments can help delay the need for surgery.

4. Overall Health: The individual's overall health is an important consideration. The person should be in good general health and not have any medical conditions that would pose risks during surgery or the recovery process.

5. Psychological Readiness: It's important for individuals to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the procedure and understand the potential risks and recovery involved.

6. Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon: The best way to determine if you're a suitable candidate for a facelift is to have a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can assess your specific case, discuss your goals, and provide recommendations based on your unique needs and circumstances.

Ultimately, the decision to have a facelift should be made in consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized advice based on your situation. Plastic surgeons evaluate each patient individually to determine when a facelift is appropriate and can help achieve the desired results. Keep in mind that the timing of a facelift is a highly individual decision, and what matters most is your personal satisfaction with the results and your overall well-being.

How many years younger do you look after a facelift?

The number of years you look younger after a facelift can vary widely from person to person and depends on several factors, including the type of facelift, the extent of facial aging, and individual variations. On average, a well-executed facelift can make you look about 5 to 10 years younger. However, it's essential to understand that this is a general estimate and not a guarantee, as results are highly individual.

Factors that influence the extent of rejuvenation achieved through a facelift include:

1. Type of Facelift: The type of facelift you choose (e.g., full facelift, mini facelift, neck lift) and the techniques used will impact the degree of improvement.

2. Extent of Aging: The severity of the signs of aging prior to the procedure will influence the results. Those with more pronounced sagging and wrinkles may experience a more significant transformation.

3. Skin Quality: The quality and elasticity of your skin can affect how well it responds to the facelift. Younger individuals with better skin quality often achieve more dramatic results.

4. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices, such as sun exposure, smoking, diet, and skincare habits, can influence the longevity and effectiveness of the results.

5. Post-Operative Care: Proper aftercare, including skincare and protection from sun exposure, can impact the longevity of the results.

6. Individual Variations: Each person's healing process and response to surgery are unique, and there can be variations in outcomes.

Facelifts are designed to provide a natural, refreshed appearance rather than creating an unnatural or overly tightened look. The goal is not to make you look like a different person but to help you look like a more youthful version of yourself.

The best way to determine the potential results of a facelift is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During your consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your specific case, discuss your goals, and provide a more accurate assessment of the age-reversing effects you can expect from the procedure. Keep in mind that your satisfaction with the results is highly subjective and depends on your personal goals and expectations.

Does skin age faster after a facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to reverse the signs of facial aging by lifting and repositioning sagging skin and tissues. It does not inherently cause the skin to age faster. In fact, a well-executed facelift can provide a more youthful appearance and effectively address sagging skin and wrinkles, making the skin look smoother and tighter.

However, it's important to note that while a facelift can provide long-lasting results, it does not stop the natural aging process. Over time, your skin will continue to age, but from a "younger starting point" due to the effects of the facelift. The rate at which your skin ages after a facelift is influenced by various factors:

1. Genetics: Your genetic makeup plays a significant role in how your skin ages. Some individuals naturally have more resilient skin, which may age more slowly.

2. Lifestyle Choices: Lifestyle factors such as sun exposure, smoking, diet, and skincare habits can affect the rate of skin aging. Protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help slow down the aging process.

3. Skincare: Proper skincare and maintenance are essential to preserve the results of a facelift. Following your surgeon's recommendations for post-operative care and using appropriate skincare products can help maintain the appearance of your skin.

4. Non-Surgical Treatments: Some individuals choose to complement their facelift results with non-surgical treatments like Botox, dermal fillers, and skin rejuvenation procedures. These treatments can extend the longevity of the facelift results.

5. Aging Process: The natural aging process involves a gradual loss of collagen and elastin, leading to the development of new wrinkles and skin laxity. This process continues but typically starts from a more youthful point after a facelift.

In summary, a facelift does not speed up the aging of the skin; instead, it helps address the visible signs of aging. The longevity of the results and the rate at which your skin ages afterward are influenced by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and skincare maintenance. Proper care and attention to these factors can help you maintain a youthful appearance for an extended period after a facelift.

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