Breast Uplift

What is Breast Uplift surgery?

Breast Uplift surgery, also known as Boob Lift and Mastopexy, is a Breast Aesthetic surgery that aims to raise and firm the breasts by removing the excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue. Breast Uplift is frequently combined with a Breast Implant, increasing both firmness and size of the breast.

Why is Breast Uplift performed?

Childbirth, aging, and rapid weight loss can cause the breasts to be less firm and lose their elasticity, giving the breasts an appearance of being saggy. Breast Lift surgery will raise the position of the nipples and alleviate the sagging, giving an appealing look to the breasts and creating an overall youthful appearance.


What are the conditions for Breast Uplift surgery?

Breast Uplift is accessible to many patients, it is recommended to patients who:

  • Have a stable weight.
  • Have sagging breasts that have lost their shape and volume. A good rule of thumb to measure the sagginess is the nipples falling below the breast crease when the breasts are unsupported.
  • Have stretched skin around the breasts or uneven breasts.
  • Are healthy enough to undergo general anesthesia.

What Are The Things To Be Considered Before Breast Uplift?

Before the surgery, the patient should:

  • Be at the hospital a day before their surgery for the pre operative tests to be performed.
  • Stop smoking and consuming alcohol at least 2 weeks before the surgery to alleviate the risk of a blood clot.
  • Avoid medication containing aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) for two weeks before and after surgery. These medications may increase the risk of internal bleeding. Patients should confirm each medication and supplement they wish to take with their Patient Coordinator.
  • Stop taking Multivitamin supplements 7 days prior to the surgery, and if it contains vitamin K should not be used for 30 days following the surgery.
  • Stop taking oral contraceptives 30 days before the surgery.

Also, the patient's body will be examined and measured, and the surgeon will draw lines on the body to plan out where the incisions will be made. Additionally, the surgeon might have photographs taken so that the patient can compare the appearance before and after the Breast Uplift surgery.

How is the Breast Uplift performed?

General anesthesia is administered before the surgery starts. Similar to the Breast Reduction surgery, the surgeon makes incisions around the areola that extend down vertically through the breast. The excess skin is then removed and the breast tissue is reshaped, lifting the nipples to a higher position. The incisions are then sealed with sutures.

The operation, on average, takes about 90 minutes to 2 hours and small drainage tubes might be placed on the breast to drain excess blood or other bodily fluid.

What Are The Things To Be Considered After Breast Uplift?

After the surgery the breasts will be supported with bandages and plasters, the patient should take care to:

  • Wear a post operative compression bra.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities.
  • Avoid strenuous activities or pressure to the breast area.
  • Have a healthy diet as it will make the healing process faster.
  • Take their prescribed medication as instructed by their doctor.
  • Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes.
  • Avoid lying face down as it will put pressure in the breasts.

Following breast lift surgery, patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising. It may take a month to two for the swelling to completely disappear.

What Are The Risks of Breast Uplift?

Risks associated with Breast Uplift include, but are not limited to:

  • Fluid accumulation near the skin, Seroma
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Swelling
  • Poor wound healing
  • Scarring
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Uneven size or shape
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Damage to deeper structures, such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles and the lungs. This damage may be temporary or permanent.
Booking Surgery