Gastric Balloon Surgery in Turkey

What Is a Gastric Balloon and How is it Applied?

Gastric Balloon, also known as Intra-Gastric Balloon Placement, is a non-surgical weight loss procedure. The balloon is made out of silicone, and is inflated with 400 to 700 ccs of saline water after being inserted into the stomach. Which triggers weight loss by limiting how much the patient can eat and making them feel full faster and for a longer duration. Gastric Balloon is often preferred over other Bariatric operations as it is placed endoscopically through the mouth, without the need for surgery. There are 3 types of commonly administered Gastric Balloons: the 6 month balloon, the 12 month balloon, and the swallowable balloon.

Gastric Balloon Procedures

New Generation Intragastric Balloon : SPATZ III ADJUSTABLE

The Spatz adjustable balloon is a medical grade, saline-filled gastric balloon that rests in the stomach cavity and decreases appetite by occupying roughly a third of the stomach volume.

The minimally invasive outpatient procedure involves the insertion of the Spatz III Adjustable Gastric Balloon through an endoscope, which is a flexible, narrow tube like device that is equipped with a camera. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and the patient will be sedated during the Gastric Balloon procedure.

The doctor inserts the endoscope through the mouth into the stomach. The esophagus, stomach and small bowel are examined at this time to ensure there is nothing that would make having a Gastric Balloon unsafe. A catheter is inserted alongside the endoscope, and the deflated balloon is attached to the end of the catheter. The endoscope guides the catheter through the esophagus and into the stomach. Once the balloon is in place, it is filled with saline through the catheter until the balloon size is sufficient. The endoscope and catheter are then pulled out, leaving the filled balloon in the stomach. The Gastric Balloon has to be removed endoscopically after its intended lifespan is reached.

New Generation Intragastric Balloon: Medsil and Orbera

The placement and the removal of the Medsil and Orbera Gastric Balloons are identical to that of the Spatz III Adjustable Gastric Balloon. Medsil Gastric Balloon is left in the stomach up to 6 months, while the Orebera has different models that can remain up to 6 months or 12 months in the stomach.

Basically, the placement and removal of balloon procedures are similar and remain in the stomach for 6-12 months.

Swallowable Gastric Balloon Capsule: Elipse Balloon

The Elipse Gastric Balloon, unlike the other Gastric Balloons, does not require a procedure to insert, and is instead swallowed like a pill. The Swallowable Balloon is then filled with saline using a catheter. The Swallowable Balloon remains in the body for up to 6 months. It does not require removal as it deflates over time by a self-melting valve and then leaves the body through the vomiting or through excrement.

What To Expect

Prior to Gastric Balloon Insertion

The gastric balloon operation is one of the easiest methods of weight loss. The patient is instructed to follow a liquid only diet for three days before the surgery and needs to fast for the last 12 hours. Preoperative tests, such as a Covid 19 PCR test and ECG, are performed. The patient is then sedated and the endoscopic procedure is started.

Insertion of the Gastric Balloon

For most patients, the Gastric Balloon is inserted while the patients are sedated, there could be medical reasons to proceed differently.

The Gastric Balloon is inserted endoscopically and placed in the stomach, then inflated with saline through the catheter. If the Swallowable Balloon is being inserted, it is instead swallowed by the patient like a pill and is then inflated with saline through the catheter.

The patient can be discharged within an hour, but Booking Surgery offers a single night hospital stay to make sure that the patient is comfortable. The Gastric Balloon can easily be deflated and removed, if required, at any time by a medical professional.

Adjustment Procedure

If excessive or prolonged nausea, vomiting or pain is experienced, or inversely if the patient does not sufficiently feel full and is able to eat without restriction, the Gastric Balloon volume can be diminished or increased with an adjustment procedure.

The Gastric Balloon volume can be changed with a simple 15 minute endoscopic procedure. Preparation requires a liquid diet for 3 full days prior to adjustment followed by 12 hours of fasting, identical to the required diet for the insertion. Adjustment is made while the patient is sedated and as with the insertion procedure, the patient can be discharged within an hour.

After the Procedure

Gastric Balloon has some expected side effects, including stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting, feeling bloated, and acid reflux. The patient is prescribed medicine to counter these side effects. These side effects are temporary and wear off within a week. If the side effects are persistent and do not wear off after a week, the patient should contact a Patient Coordinator for assistance.

Removal Technique

The Swallowable Balloon, will dissolve on its own within 6 months and the saline liquid inside will be excreted through urination and the balloon through excrement.

For non-swallowable Gastric Balloons the procedure is identical. After approximately 6 to 12 months, depending on the Balloon, the Gastric Balloon will be removed endoscopically, the Gastric Balloon can also be removed earlier if requested. Preparation requires a liquid diet for 3 full days prior to the procedure followed by fasting from midnight the night before. Following removal, the patient can be discharged within an hour.

Advantages of Gastric Balloon in Istanbul Turkey

Gastric Balloon is an effective non-surgical treatment for obesity, especially for patients who have tried dieting and regular exercise. The advantages of having a Gastric Balloon procedure in Turkey provides include, but are not limited to:

  • Gastric Balloon procedure does not require surgery, so it is perfect for patients who struggle with surgery or are ineligible for surgical operations.
  • The recovery period is short as the operation is only 20 minutes long and can be done as an outpatient procedure, meaning that the surgery can be completed even during a couple hours long layover.
  • Compared to Bariatric Surgeries, more patients are eligible for Gastric Balloon as only a Body Mass Index, BMI, of at least 28 is required.
  • Having a Gastric Balloon in Turkey is significantly cheaper and the quality of care is on par with US and EU hospitals.
  • There is no wait line for Gastric Balloon, the patient can come in any day and have their surgery.

Risks and Complications of Gastric Balloon Surgery

Short Term Risks

The short term side effects of the Gastric Balloon are mainly caused by the body reacting to the Balloon as a foreign object. Although each patient is unique, the side effects last 3 to 4 days on average. The short term side effects include:

  • Nause
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach Cramps

Patients are given anti-nausea medication to counteract nausea and vomiting. Stomach cramps are unavoidable but wear off soon after the surgery.

Long Term Risks:

Gastric balloon is one of the safest weight loss procedures with a low risk of complication. The procedure does not involve any scarring, wounds or change of the digestive system or the stomach of the patient. But as any other procedure it has its own possible risks and complications:

  • Gastric Balloon Rapture, even though very unlikely, is possible. As a precaution, blue dye is added to the saline solution that is inside the Gastric Balloon. If the Gastric Balloon were to rapture, then the dye would alter the color of the urine.
  • Some patients might mentally struggle with the inability to eat as much as they normally do. Intolerance to the changes brought on by Gastric Balloon might even require an earlier removal.

Who Is Eligible for Gastric Balloon Turkey?

Gastric balloon is a good choice for patients who wish 10 to 15 kg and have a Body Mass Index, BMI, of higher than 27. The advantage of having a Gastric Balloon operation in Turkey is that it is cheaper with the same quality, there is no waiting list, and it can be combined with a holiday in Turkey as the patient can be discharged immediately.

How Long Should I Stay in Turkey for a Gastric Balloon Treatment Procedure?

The procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes and is performed endoscopically under sedation. A 1 night hospital stay is sufficient but is not required. After the Gastric Balloon is inserted, the patient can leave the hospital after a few hours of rest if desired.

How Much Weight Will I Lose?

Weight loss that Gastric Botox provides is severely limited compared to Bariatric Surgeries. Gastric Botox is expected to help the patient lose up to 10 kilograms (22 pounds) while Gastric Bypass, for example, allows weight loss of up to 80% of the excess body weight.

How Many Days Should I Stay in Turkey?

The procedure is short and is performed endoscopically under sedation. A 1 night hospital stay is sufficient, but the patient can leave the hospital after a few hours of rest if desired.

How Long Does It Take for Stomach Botox to Work?

Gastric Botox effects can be seen right after the procedure, but the Botox wears off within 6 months. Weight loss is more apparent near the end of the 6 month period, but can be observed after the first month.


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