Lip Lift | Upper Lip Lift Surgery

What is Lip Lift surgery?

Lip Lift surgery is a Facial Aesthetic Surgery that aims to create a balanced and attractive lip by shortening the distance between the nose and the upper lip, which will plump and reshape the lip, increasing the definition of the vermilion border.

Why is Lip Lift performed?

When the distance between the nose and the upper lip is long, an appearance of a misshapen lip, which might not fit with the rest of the facial features, becomes apparent. Lip Lift Surgery is performed to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance by shortening the distance between the nose and the upper lip.

What are the conditions for Lip Lift Surgery?

A Lip Lift is recommended to any patient who can undergo general anesthesia and who:

  • Has a long upper lip.
  • Has upper lip wings that are curved inward.
  • Are experiencing saggy lips due to age-related decrease in the lip fat tissue.

What Are The Things To Be Considered Before Lip Lift?

Before the surgery, the patient should:

  • Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and using recreational drugs a month before the surgery.
  • If you are using any medication, you must tell your coordinator.
  • Be at the hospital a day before the surgery date for all pre-operative tests.
  • Avoid medication containing aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) for two weeks before and after surgery. These medications may increase the risk of internal bleeding. Patients should confirm each medication and supplement they wish to take with their Patient Coordinator.
  • During the physical examination, a drawing will be made by the plastic surgeon that shows the most suitable lip.

How is Lip Lift Surgery performed?

The procedure is performed through an incision made at the junction of the lower border of the nose and the upper lip. Tissue is removed through the incision and the vermillion is moved up.

The incision site is sutured aesthetically after the surgery. The melting time of the stitches is about a week.

Lip Lift surgery can be performed under both local and general anesthesia. The operation takes approximately an hour to perform.

What are The Things To Be Considered After Lip Lift Surgery?

There may be swelling and pain around the upper lip and nose after the operation, swelling and pain should decrease at the end of the third day and disappear completely within a week.

After the surgery, the patient should:

  • Should rest for 24 hours after the operation.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities.
  • Not smoke for a month.
  • Not lie face down for a month.
  • Avoid blows to the lip or the area surrounding it.
  • Apply the prescribed antibiotic cream to the surgery area.

What Are The Risks of Lip Lift Surgery?

Even though Lip Lift Surgery is a relatively safe surgery with a comfortable healing process, it still carries certain risks like any other major surgery, such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Asymmetry
  • An adverse reaction to the anesthesia
  • Pain or discoloration
  • Suboptimal aesthetic result and/or minimal changes
  • Hematoma
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