Butt Lift

What is Butt Lift surgery?

Butt Lift is a Body Aesthetic Surgery that aims to improve the appearance of the butt by giving a smoother, less dimpled and more toned appearance to it. A Butt Lift, unlike a Brazilian Butt Lift, does not increase the volume of the butt.

Why is Butt Lift performed?

Aging, excess exposure to the sunlight, or sudden weight loss can cause the skin near the butt to lose its elasticity and sag. Butt Lift may be performed as a part of a lower body lift or in combination with a Tummy Tuck.

What are the conditions for Butt Lift surgery?

Butt Lift Surgery is recommended to patients who:

  • Don’t plan to lose weight and have a stable weight.
  • Have a Body Mass Index, BMI, of below 30.
  • Are safely able to undergo general anesthesia.
  • Don’t have a health condition that would impede the postoperative healing process.
  • Have sufficient loose soft tissue around the butt.

What Are The Things To Be Considered Before Butt Lift?

Before a Butt Lift Surgery, the patient should:

  • Be at the hospital a day before their surgery for the pre operative tests to be performed.
  • Stop smoking and consuming alcohol at least 2 weeks before the surgery to alleviate the risk of a blood clot.
  • Avoid medication containing aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) for two weeks before and after surgery. These medications may increase the risk of internal bleeding. Patients should confirm each medication and supplement they wish to take with their Patient Coordinator.
  • Stop taking Multivitamin supplements 7 days prior to the surgery, and if it contains vitamin K should not be used for 30 days following the surgery.
  • Stop taking oral contraceptives 30 days before the surgery.

Also, the patient's body will be examined and measured, and the surgeon might have photographs taken so that the patient can compare the appearance before and after the Butt Lift surgery.

How is the Butt Lift performed?

An incision along the lower back that spans from hip to hip is made. Excess skin and fat are then removed through the incision and the remaining skin is stretched by getting pulled up, lifting the butt in the meantime. The lifted skin is then held in place with sutures.

What are The Things To Be Considered After Butt Lift?

The results of the surgery are permanent and can be observed immediately after surgery.

Patients should take care to:

  • Not bend over, stretch, or put any pressure on their buttocks for the first few weeks.
  • Wear the provided compression garment.
  • Have a healthy diet as it will make the healing process faster.
  • Take their prescribed medication as instructed by their doctor.
  • Not undergo physically strenuous exercises for 6 weeks until after the surgery.

The patient can return to work and to their daily life after 2 weeks, but should still take care to not physically strain themselves and to ot put too much pressure on their buttocks.

What Are The Risks of Butt Lift?

Risks of a Butt Lift include, but are not limited to:

  • Scarring
  • Pour wound healing
  • Seroma
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Adverse Reaction to the anesthesia
Booking Surgery