
2009 - 2014, Numune Training and Research Hospital in Ankara, Turkey General Surgeon Residency
2001 - 2009, Osmangazi University School of Medicine in Eskisehir, Turkey GP Training

Work History:
2021 - currently, Medicine Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey General Surgeon with an emphasis on Bariatric surgeries
2018 - 2021, Bozok University Hospital in Yozgat, Turkey General Surgeon with an emphasis on Bariatric surgeries
2015 - 2018, Elbistan State Hospital in Kahramanmaras, Turkey General Surgeon

A Member of:

  • Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association
  • Turkish Surgery Association
  • Turkish Medical Association
  • Turkish Bariatric Surgery Association


  • Katar MK , Baser M, Ersoy PE. Appendectomy in Morbidly Obese Patients: Laparoscopic Versus Conventional Technique. Med Sci Monit, 2020; 26: e928067.
  • Şahin E, Katar MK , Haberal Can İ. Impact of gastric Helicobacter pylori infection on nasal mucociliary clearance. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2020;277:2761–5.
  • Ekiz T, Yeğin SF, Katar MK , Genç Ö, Genç S. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels and bone mineral density evaluation in patients with cholecystectomy: a case-control study. Archives of Osteoporosis 2018;13(1):14.
  • Yildiz B, Katar K, Hamamcı O. Efficacy of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of obesity in a non-Western society. Eating and weight disorders. 2016;21(4):695-9.
  • Kayılıoğlu SI, Dinç T, Sözen İ, Şenol K , Katar K, Karabeyoğlu M, Tez M, Coşkun F. Thyroid Nodules with Atypia or Follicular Lesions of Undetermined Significance (AUS/FLUS): Analysis of Variables Associated with Outcome. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention 2014;15(23):10307-11.
  • Katar MK , Baser M. Relationship Between Mastalgia And Anxiety- Depression: An Observational Study. Cureus 2021;13(1): e12734.
  • Katar MK , Ersoy P. Is Previous Upper Abdominal Surgery a Contraindication for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy?. Cureus 2021;13(4): e14272.
  • Katar MK , Songur MS. Comparison of intraocular pressure change in patients under sedation assisted and sedation-free upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Ann Clin Anal Med 2021;12(4):428-32.
  • Baser M, Katar MK . Characteristics and outcomes of acute appendicitis cases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann Clin Anal Med 2021;12(5):512-6.
  • Dinc T, Kayilioglu SI, Katar K , Yildirim O, Cete M, Unal DT,Coskun F. Pyoderma gangrenosum after umblical hernia repair. Surg chron 2015;20(1):249-50.
  • Şenol K, Qatar K, Yüksel C, Saylam B, Thesis M. Prediction of Malignancy in Bethesda Category III Nodules: Application of Thyroid Imaging Reporting System. Am Surg 2015;81(11):E351-2.
  • Evaluation of Interventional Procedures Performed by a Single Surgeon in Katar MK , Talih T. Bozok University Hospital Endoscopy Unit. 1st International Ahi Evran Medicine and Health Science Congress. Page 103. Kırşehir, 2019.
  • Birben B, Yalaza M, Katar K , Tez M. Long-Term Survival Analysis of Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Periampullary Cancer. 1st International Ahi Evran Medicine and Health Science Congress. Page 56. Kırşehir, 2019
  • Katar MK(2019). Gastric cancer. Editor Omer Alabaz. Current General Surgery Studies I. Academician Bookstore. Ankara. SS: 187-203.
  • Katar MK (2020). The Role of Surgery in the Diagnosis, Functional Evaluation and Treatment of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. Editor Huseyin Ozgur Aytac. Surgery of Gastrointestinal System Cancers. Academician Bookstore. Ankara. SS: 401-414.
  • Katar MK (2021). Diverticular Disease. Editor Bulent Cavit Yuksel. General Surgery/ The Handbook of Colon & Rectum. Ankara Nobel Medicine Bookstores. Ankara. SS:83-85.
  • Talih T, Katar MK(2020). Approach to The Patient With Acute Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction. Editors Ramazan Topcu & Hülya Topcu. Approach to General Surgical Emergencies. Ankara Nobel Medicine Bookstores. Ankara. SS:77-81.
  • Katar MK , Hamamcı M. Does Constipation Have An Effect On Cognitive Functions? A Prospective Clinical Study. Bozok Medical Journal 2021;11(1):77-83.
  • Katar MK , Tikici D. Abdominal wall endometriosis; A retrospective, observational study. Turk J Clin Lab 2021;1:37-41.
  • Katar MK , Baser M, Ersoy PE. What is the Role of Laparoscopy in Peptic Ulcer Perforation Repair?. Bozok Medical Journal 2020;10(4):84-90.
  • Özden S, Turan UF, Katar MK, Temiz A, Er S. Hartmann Clinical course after colostomy closure. Turk J Clin Lab 2020;4:270-273.
  • Erdogan A, Turkan A, Kilinc U, Katar MK . Hernia Repair with Laparoscopic Transabdominal Preperitoneal (TAPP) Method; District State Hospital Clinical Results. Acta Oncologica Turcica 2018;51(3):353-6.
  • Katar MK , Başer M, Ersoy PE, Dinç S. Analysis of 100 Consecutive General Surgery Consultations Requested from the Emergency Department at Bozok University Hospital. 12th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress with International Participation. SB - 54. Antalya, 2019.
  • Katar MK, Başer M. Which One Should We Prefer in Recurrent Inguinal Hernia Repair After Open Surgery? Open or Laparoscopic? Proceedings of the 10th Surgical Research Congress. Page 24. Malatya, 2019.
  • Katar MK , Yuksel C, Yildiz BD. Efficacy of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Superobese Patient Group. Proceedings of the 19th National Surgery Congress. Page 401. Antalya, 2014.
  • Katar MK , Başer M. Comparison of Open and Laparoscopic Surgery in Peptic Ulcer Perforation Repair. Proceedings of the 10th Surgical Research Congress. Page 33. Malatya, 2019.
  • Katar MK. Our results of early and late cholecystectomy in mild biliary pancreatitis. Turkish Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Association March 7, 2020 Çorum Regional Meeting Hitit University Medical Faculty Journal. Page 2-3. Çorum, 2020.
  • Katar MK , Ersoy PE. Our Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Results in the Elderly Population. Turkish Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Association March 7, 2020 Çorum Regional Meeting Hitit University Medical Faculty Journal. Pages 27-29. Çorum, 2020.
  • Kılınç U, Erdoğan A, Türkan A, Katar MK . Our Colonoscopic Polypectomy Results in the District State Hospital Endoscopy Unit. Proceedings of the 2nd National Gastrointestinal Research Congress. Pages 268-269. Malatya, 2018
  • Başer M, Katar MK, Ersoy PE, Dinç S. A Rare Cause of Acute Appendicitis, Ascaris Lumbricoides: A Case Report. 12th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress with International Participation. SB-55. Antalya, 2019.
  • Katar MK . Management of Penetrating Suprarenal Vena Cava Inferior Injury in Second Stage State Hospital; Case Presentation. 1st International Ahi Evran Medicine and Health Science Congress. Page 670. Kırşehir, 2019.
  • Katar MK , Başer M, Ersoy PE, Dinç S. A Case Report of Midgut Volvulus in an Adult Patient. 12th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress with International Participation. EP-62. Antalya, 2019.
  • Aktürk OM, Karabeyoğlu SM , Katar MK , Çelik C, Özdemir Ü. Rectus Sheath Hematoma. Proceedings of the 19th National Surgery Congress. Page 620. Antalya, 2014.
  • Çelik C, Dağlar G, Yüksel C, Katar MK , Özsoy A, Arıcan P, Tekin B. Comparison of Localization Techniques in Non-palpable Breast Lesions. Proceedings of the 20th National Surgery Congress. Antalya,2016

Operations that Mehmet Kagan Katar, MD specializes in:

  • Obesity Treatment including Gastric Sleeve Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Balloon, Stomach, and Mini Gastric Bypass.
  • Metabolic Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
  • Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Diseases Treatment
  • Anterior Abdominal Wall (Belly, Inguinal) and Hernia Treatment (Open and Laparoscopic)
  • Anal Region Diseases Treatment (Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Anal Fistula)
  • Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases Treatment
  • Breast Diseases Treatment
  • Colon Diseases and Colon Cancer Treatment (Open and Laparoscopic)
  • Stomach Diseases and Gastric Cancer Treatment (Open and Laparoscopic)
  • Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment Interventions (Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, PEG)
Booking Surgery
Kayleigh reviewed Excellent experience

I cannot fault a single thing about my whole experience with Booking Surgery. From initially reaching out and discussing everything with my co-ordinator, to actually booking my surgery, getting all the pre-op info, all the way to the hospital stay and the surgery itself it was fab the whole way through. The hospital was lovely and clean (felt more like a high class hotel than a hospital), every staff member so helpful and friendly, and my surgeon Dr Katar was out of this world. On the return myself and my companion were helped through check in at Istanbul airport by our lovely driver. My surgery was August 27th, so I’ve now been home for a week in which time I’ve had a follow up with the dietician and a check in with my co-ordinator. If you’re considering gastric surgery abroad I’d urge you to check out Booking Surgery. The entire visit is hospital-based so you’re in the best care, everything is made as comfortable as possible, and all post-op meds are provided to bring home. I honestly can’t think of a single negative thing to say and I’m genuinely grateful for such a wonderful experience.

LIANNE VESSIER reviewed Great experience

Great experience, looked after well. Surgery was done very well and after care.

Ronnie reviewed Great experience all round

Great experience all round Communication was excellent as well as the service

Lee Easdown reviewed Sleeve

My coordinator is Robert. I am here for Sleeve with Dr.Katar. So wonderful hospital, clean, and helping so many times. Interpreter always care about us. Asking how we are. So far so good. Thank u booking surgery.

Archie Cass reviewed Surgery/coordinator

I can not recommend Bruce my coordinator, he was so helpful from start to finish. He answered all my questions before and after my surgery. My surgeon Dr.Katar was lovely and did a BRILLIANT job, my scars are so neat. I feel great and truly believe it’s because been given such a high quality of care.

Zoe Patterson reviewed Brilliant Team

From start to finish, my experience with Booking Surgery has been fantastic. From the minute you land to the time you are put back on the plane, you are in the best hands. The team of people around you make you feel welcome and relaxed. The hospital is modern and very clean. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

Pammy85 reviewed From beginning to end was amazing

From beginning to end was amazing. From staff being so friendly to hospital being clean. Couldn’t have had better experience. I have recommended to so many people.

customer reviewed In may 2024 I had a 360fdl TT and an…

In may 2024 I had a 360fdl TT and an arm lift. After losing 17st. The care I received was fantastic the nurses are friendly and helpful. My coordinator has been extremely helpful, I hope to return in January for more surgery.